On 14 Sep 2016, at 03:25, Bruce Kellett wrote:

On 14/09/2016 10:13 am, Brent Meeker wrote:
On 9/13/2016 7:22 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
On Sunday, 11 September 2016, Brent Meeker <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote: In the UD model of the world, time as we perceive it, is emergent. The "execution" of the program is timeless and exists in Platonia. So the steps of the UD have no duration, they are logically prior to time and duration. On the other hand, I think so called "observer moments" must have duration in the emergent sense and must overlap. But their relation to the UD threads is more aspirational than proven.

I think it should be possible to pause and restart at any point a process underpinning consciousness and leave the stream of consciousness unchanged; otherwise there would be a radical decoupling of the mental from the physical. At the limit, this means the process underpinning consciousness can be cut up into infinitesimals.

Infinitesimals, I think not, at least not in Bruno's model. Each thread of the UD's computation can be cut and restarted, but underlying an "observer moment" or a "thought" are infinitely many threads and there is no reference by which you can define cutting them all at "the same time". So they make the "time" of consciousness essentially real valued.

That understanding of an "observer moment" appears to undermine the "Yes Doctor" scenario. The point of YD, it seems to me, is that one can replace oneself with a computer running some program -- the digital simulation at the basis of mechanism. Such a simulation, being a single computation, can be stopped and restarted at will without the observer being conscious of anything. If consciousness, or "observer moments", are intrinsically made up of an infinite number of threads, then this is not possible, and YD fails.

That's a reasonable short rendering of the UDA, except that you are far to quick to conclude.

It looks like YD fails indeed (too much white rabbits a priori), but when you translated the argument in arithmetic, you get a non trivial propositional logic for the observable and to see if it fails or not becomes experimentally testable, and tested partially assuming Everett QM is the correct empirical theory. Computationalism makes Arithmetic and QM share in the limit the same internal renormalization problem.

Eventually I conceived that what makes the physical reality and consciousness possible relies in subtle property of the number 24, with the help of the total computable functions known as e, pi, gamma, etc. But here it is just an end of hot summer speculation due to my contemplation of Moonshine(*).


(*) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monstrous_moonshine


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