On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 9:48 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

*> I am still a sort of Keynesian. *

You could've fooled me.

> *> But the progressive left screws things up. Basically, it breaks down to
> people who are socialist totalitarians(commies)  being contributed to by
> super rich doyens who fund the party and candidates, in an exchange of cash
> for influence. *

That sounds like a very good description of Donald Trump. And yes, woke
progressives can be annoying but there is little danger of them staging a
coup d'état or building concentration camps and stuffing people into ovens,
but right wing dictators do both. Donald Trump's deepest desire is to
become a right wing dictator, and on January 6, 2021 he came very close to
achieving his dream. How on earth can any rational human being even talk
about giving this semiliterate unstable catchup throwing steering wheel
grabbing traitor the power to destroy the human race for another 4 years?!

 > *Crime is 2nd only to inflation as a national concern*

I know and that is totally irrational. Crime is a trivial problem compared
with the possibility of nuclear war, the certain existence of non-nuclear
war, pollution that kills millions of people each year, the Covid epidemic
that has killed over 1 million Americans, the societal disruption that has
been caused by technological advancement that will only increase, and the
wealth gap that is not just growing but accelerating between 99.9% of human
beings on the planet who are just rich and the dozen or so that are Super
Ultra Mega Rich. Donald Trump is not Super Ultra Mega Rich although he
likes to pretend he is, and if he wins the 2024 election (really wins I
mean, regardless of the outcome he is certain to claim he won) then he
certainly will become that rich and he will stay in power until the day he
dies.  And the day after that Donald Junior will be coronated as King Donald

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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