Donny is the progressive obsession in which the fantasy is and was, another 
Adolf. He never was ever close to that and now just looks like (to me) like a 
complainer (yeah really!) who couldn't punch back too hard on his political 
enemies. This ain't and never was old Adolf.
Wildest Emmy Moments - YouTube
No death camps, no nazism* (The BBC cracked the 'fine people on both sides edit 
that NBC did), no klansman at your door, just a guy who reduced unemployment 
enough, pre Covid, to start drawing a thin line of voters from the Blacks & 
Latinos exiting Right, and did mean Tweets.  You won't be running against the 
lad in 2024, so I suggest you gin up your material for Desantis. I suspect that 
by the time Joey gets done with us, a majority of voters will be saying, 
"Hitler=Trump, Desantis=Trump??!! "Yeah ok, now will he get us jobs?" 
Recession-ville, dream babies!

*Did you really think he was going to kill his daughter & grandkids for being 
Jews?!! By 1935 Nuremberg Laws they'd be judged as mischlinge, and not 
necessarily subject to the camps and theft anyways. 
For the electoral college we are as Cap'n Ahab whose harpoon lines have the 
captain entangled to the body of Moby Dick and in our case I do mean, dick. 
Thus, we the people are so ensnared, long before we were born. Actually, if we 
get QC and AI driving things, our situation could be more like Orson Welles 
finale' in Graham Greene's The 3rd Man.
The Third Man......The.Cuckoo Clock - YouTube
Or, as Bette Davis said in All About Even, "Strap yourselves in folks, we're 
going to be in for a bumpy ride.  Just remember, Bad Don is not the Captain. 
Joey is, maybe?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <>
Sent: Thu, Jun 30, 2022 10:28 am
Subject: Re: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 9:48 PM spudboy100 via Everything List 
<> wrote:

> I am still a sort of Keynesian. 

You could've fooled me.  
> But the progressive left screws things up. Basically, it breaks down to 
> people who are socialist totalitarians(commies)  being contributed to by 
> super rich doyens who fund the party and candidates, in an exchange of cash 
> for influence. 

That sounds like a very good description of Donald Trump. And yes, woke 
progressives can be annoying but there is little danger of them staging a coup 
d'état or building concentration camps and stuffing people into ovens, but 
right wing dictators do both. Donald Trump's deepest desire is to become a 
right wing dictator, and on January 6, 2021 he came very close to achieving his 
dream. How on earth can any rational human being even talk about giving this 
semiliterate unstable catchup throwing steering wheel grabbing traitor the 
power to destroy the human race for another 4 years?!

 > Crime is 2nd only to inflation as a national concern

I know and that is totally irrational. Crime is a trivial problem compared with 
the possibility of nuclear war, the certain existence of non-nuclear war, 
pollution that kills millions of people each year, the Covid epidemic that has 
killed over 1 million Americans, the societal disruption that has been caused 
by technological advancement that will only increase, and the wealth gap that 
is not just growing but accelerating between 99.9% of human beings on the 
planet who are just rich and the dozen or so that are Super Ultra Mega Rich. 
Donald Trump is not Super Ultra Mega Rich although he likes to pretend he is, 
and if he wins the 2024 election (really wins I mean, regardless of the outcome 
he is certain to claim he won) then he certainly will become that rich and he 
will stay in power until the day he dies.  And the day after that Donald Junior 
will be coronated as King Donald II.
 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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