Well, before the 1923 Nazi Putsch was the Kapp Putsch of 1920 which was pure 
Wehrmacht. Don was already prez and needed to putsch. What he needed was more 
votes. Adolf does not fold his tent and Don simply landed in Fla. with claims 
of voting fraud, which he still must prove. His self aggrandizement is what he 
lives for, and the Showman's gotta show!  He won't be running in 2024 but 
Hillary said hell yes, which just shows us how lame our politics really is. 
Actually, what is most important is Policy and not personality, and policy is 
not going great right now. Joey doesn't need to quit but his policy needs to 
modify to ensure national survival. He's too slow to adjust. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com>
To: spudboy...@aol.com
Cc: everything-list@googlegroups.com <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 1, 2022 8:20 am
Subject: Re: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 9:07 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

> Donny is the progressive obsession in which the fantasy is and was, another 
> Adolf. He never was ever close to that

Not even close to that?!  You see no similarities between January 6, 2021 when 
Trump staged an unsuccessful coup d'état and November 9, 1923 when Hitler 
staged an unsuccessful coup d'éta? Hmm... now that I think about it I realize 
it's silly of me to be surprised by your lack of outrage concerning January 6, 
as you yourself have indicated in another post, irrational ideologies (sorry, 
I'm being redundant) are not amenable to logic. 

> No death camps, no nazism

There were no Nazi death camps in 1923, you'd have to wait another decade for 
that, but even in 1923 anybody with half a brain should've realized that Adolf 
Hitler was not the sort of man you wanted to lead a powerful country. And today 
the stakes are even higher because today we have H-bombs.   

> *Did you really think he was going to kill his daughter & grandkids for being 
> Jews?!!

Do you really think Trump would stop what he was doing because of moral 
considerations?!! If Trump thought ritual cannibalism would appeal to his base 
he'd give speeches in favor of ritual cannibalism, but it probably won't be 
Jews this time, something else will be in his crosshairs, like anybody who has 
ever said anything unflattering about him, or even anybody who showed a lack of 
enthusiasm for him. Trump has already said he  should have the right to sue 
anybody who says something bad about him even though he's the leader of the 
country. Do you really want to defend that idea, do you really wanna live in a 
banana republic?
I think the man has no principles except that of self-aggrandisement. Donald 
Trump would do ANYTHING if he believed it would bring him more power or money, 
if he thought Lenin and Stalin's path to power would work better for him than 
Hitler's then overnight Donald Trump would metamorphosize into a woke 
progressive, but the outcome would be just as nightmarish. 

 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolisnop

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