So that's your answer to Putin, Bullshit? AFTER he witnessed the Joey fiasco in 
July 2021 from Afghanistan? 
Disbelief and betrayal: Europe reacts to Biden’s Afghanistan ‘miscalculation’ – 
Politico is strictly one of yours, JC. 

I think the world would be safer under the Loudmouth's control. Yes. 
On China? They are a determined, organized power that is hostile to US 
China’s hypersonic weapons leave US defenseless, for now | The HillThe author 
is a former Defense Sec at Georgetown University.
The super rich, are gambling that China will be non- first strike aggressors. I 
don't trust these boards of directors who are willing to gamble away 330 
million American lives so they can make or save money, by swapping economic 
kisses with Comrade Xi. They buy the politicians with campaign donations and 
that is the system that has us. 
So, yeah, the world would be better if Trumpo were still boss. Would we have 
moved dem in 2022? Probably not. 2024, I am guessing would have been a repeat 
of "our" 2020, if only because Pence is not exactly charismatic. Maybe, Hillary 
would be promising free things as Joey did, including making collage loans be 
paid by "the others?" So that may have won her the Presidency?? 
In our worldline we have Putin unleashed, Xi testing the waters for a Pacific 
war, and other economist, Nassim Nicholas Taleb's Black Swans in the making. 
Closed borders would be a better thing in order to squeeze down on migration, 
including, the running of fentanyl, and firearms (field stripped) sent back and 
forth between US gangs and Los Cartels. So much for "gun control." Open borders 
means a thriving industry with this. Especially, at a time of Soros funded, 
pro-criminal DA's and Judges and Mayors. 
Joey liked rewarding his constituents with Covid money, so that was the first 
boost to inflation. He is and was the prime mover behind no drilling on public 
lands, literally from 1/22/2021 using the Bureau of Land Management. The Putin 
invasion, post Afghanistan bye bye, and we get double inflation. It ain't even 
his personality, its his policies. 
Moral of the story? Never clamp down on an old energy source that works, when 
one is not even working on a new energy source that is ;uninstalled, under 
developed, and not ready for the marketplace. I am speaking about EV's charging 
stations, solar power, wind turbines, and whatever else we got? 
It's like performing a heart transplant without a donor heart to go in. The 
policy is emotion produced by ideology. 
Th-Th-Th- That's all folks!Porky Spud

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sun, Jul 3, 2022 8:15 am
Subject: Re: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

On Sat, Jul 2, 2022 at 9:30 PM <> wrote:

>To be honest, I believe the world would be happier including yourself if 
>Orange Man had gained a 2nd term. 

My question, which you have not answered, is would you be happy if the Biden/ 
Harris ticket lost by a substantial margin both in the electoral college and 
the popular vote in 2024 to Donald Trump but on January 6, 2025 Kamala Harris  
just decreed that the election was null and void and both she and Joe Biden 
would remain in power for at least another 4 years and Biden strongly hinted he 
will run for a third term despite the fact that the Constitution forbids it. I 
can't really blame you for not answering my question, if I had beliefs as 
screwy as yours I'd be embarrassed to admit them too. 
Trump Says He Will ‘Negotiate’ Third Term Because He’s ‘Entitled’ To It

> Putin would not have attacked the Ukraine.


> Xi and Trumpo would have either cut a deal or even better, cut all trade and 
> infection paths,

So that's you and Trump's brilliant plan for prosperity, cut all trade!!  And 
as I keep pointing out, under the Trump administration the USA was a net 
exporter of the COVID virus not an importer. 
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

On Fri, Jul 1, 2022 at 7:29 PM <> wrote:

> Well, before the 1923 Nazi Putsch was the Kapp Putsch of 1920 which was pure 
> Wehrmacht.

What does that have to do with the price of eggs in China?  

 > Don was already prez and needed to putsch. What he needed was more votes.

What Don needed was more fraud and for Mike Pence to become a traitor.  So spud 
have two questions for you: 
1) Would you be happy today if Mike Pence had become a traitor on January 6 
2021 and Donald Trump was still president?
2) Would you be happy if Joe Biden lost the 2024 election in the electoral 
college and the popular vote, both by a large margin, but on January 6 2025 
Kamala Harris simply declared that the election was null and void and Joe Biden 
would still be president for another 4 years and she would still be the vice 

> He won't be running in 2024

I hope you're right but I don't think you are.  

> Actually, what is most important is Policy and not personality,

This is the age of the presidential nuclear button and of H-bombs, so I 
strongly disagree. In the first place the policy a presidential candidate runs 
on is seldom the policy he tries to pursue once he gets in office, and the 
policy he tries to pursue is seldom the one that actually gets implemented, the 
implemented one is almost always more convoluted and more stupid than either of 
the previous two. You probably think of me as an extreme left winger, certainly 
my former libertarian friends think so because I refused to jump on the Trump 
bandwagon, but I would vote for an intelligent principled conservative over a 
left leaning candidate who gave speeches I mostly agreed with if I judged he 
was unstable unprincipled untrustworthy ignorant and just plain stupid.




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