JC, for El Trumpo, my tears have all dried and I have moved on as we all must. 
Trump did fight Putin's mercs in Syria in 2018, please remember. It is hard to 
believe that Vlad really feared NATO. He saw them as weaklings (in my opinion) 
and they just purchased every cubic metre of nat gas they could from him. 
Trumpo bitched at Fraulein Docktor Merkel who was big into Putin and she didn't 
have anything to say when El Donaldo complained that "Germany will just end up 
being a servant state of Putin."
You and I wouldn't have complained to them as harshly, but let's face it. 
Deutschland and the others have been just skating by, and donny thought he 
could squeeze them into the agreed upon share. Let me line up the news sources 
for a blast from past. My feeling is Trumpy wanted to keep communication open 
with Vlad-just in case.


German leadership shock at 

There's a German saying, by the way, and goes, "Too smart, too late."
The Don wouldn't have done a withdrawal from Jihad land without prepping 
properly, leaving a ruin behind. It was utter chaos, and I feel confident, the 
Americans will be hearing from  the Taliban sooner or later. :-(
For the election past, for what it is worth all the revelations mean zero 
without cross examination and the Jan 6 show trial is invalid because of this. 
If Don won, and the world was tricked, he needs to present the precise evidence 
of this to the public. He hasn't, and I for one am not holding my breath. That 
courts wouldn't see the evidence is merely the same reason you are pissed at 
the Supreme Court Judges. In that they get to decide what is valid and invalid. 
"We don't have the legal justification to judge an election. Because every 
election after this precedent would be challenged!" This, say the lawyers in 
their black robes that are called judges.  
Thus, us farmers and slaves that the authors of the US Constitution viewed as 
being too busy to understand complex issues so we needed a republic to have 
smart people represent us (slaves not so much).  
For the future, I fear Vlad attacking and also Xi.Beyond this threat unless the 
Chinese change I don't see them bribing and killing their way to world power, 
not unless there is profound governmental change. America's current decline is 
self willed by The Party and by Wall Street because they are all betting on 
China and stability enough for them to make their fortunes.I would call them on 
this bet, whether its Fink's Blackrock or Gates and his CCP chums. 
Via Con Santis, Pax Vobiscum.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com>
To: spudboy...@aol.com
Cc: everything-list@googlegroups.com <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Jul 3, 2022 6:13 pm
Subject: Re: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

On Sun, Jul 3, 2022 at 4:43 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

> So that's your answer to Putin, Bullshit?

My answer is Putin fears NATO, but Trump made no secret of his extreme 
hostility to it, and if he had a second term I'm sure the US would've resigned 
, and NATO couldn't survive the loss of its most important member. But instead 
under Biden NATO added 2 new members and is stronger and more united than it's 
been in 50 years. And I don't believe Trump would've given the Ukrainians five 
cents worth of military aid to defend themselves from Putin and his obscene 

> AFTER he witnessed the Joey fiasco in July 2021 from Afghanistan? 

And Trump yammered on and on for almost every day of his presidency about how 
the US should get out of Afghanistan, but it was all talk,  he never had the 
guts to actually do it because he knew that losing a war is always gonna be 
ugly and damaging politically.  And you STILL haven't answered my question, 
would you be happy if the Biden/Harris ticket lost by a substantial margin both 
in the electoral college and the popular vote in 2024 to Donald Trump but on 
January 6, 2025 Kamala Harris  just decreed that the election was null and void 
and both she and Joe Biden would remain in power for at least another 4 years 
and Biden strongly hinted he will run for a third term despite the fact that 
the Constitution forbids it.
 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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