On Sun, Jul 3, 2022 at 4:43 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

*> So that's your answer to Putin, Bullshit?*

My answer is Putin fears NATO, but Trump made no secret of his extreme
hostility to it, and if he had a second term I'm sure the US would've
resigned , and NATO couldn't survive the loss of its most important member.
But instead under Biden NATO added 2 new members and is stronger and more
united than it's been in 50 years. And I don't believe Trump would've given
the Ukrainians five cents worth of military aid to defend themselves from
Putin and his obscene war.

> *AFTER he witnessed the Joey fiasco in July 2021 from Afghanistan? *

And Trump yammered on and on for almost every day of his presidency about
how the US should get out of Afghanistan, but it was all talk,  he never
had the guts to actually do it because he knew that losing a war is always
gonna be ugly and damaging politically.  And you STILL haven't answered my
question, would you be happy if the Biden/Harris ticket lost by a
substantial margin both in the electoral college and the popular vote in
2024 to Donald Trump but on January 6, 2025 Kamala Harris  just decreed
that the election was null and void and both she and Joe Biden would remain
in power for at least another 4 years and Biden strongly hinted he will run
for a third term despite the fact that the Constitution forbids it.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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