To be honest, I believe the world would be happier including yourself if Orange 
Man had gained a 2nd term. 1. The democratic voter and leadership would now be 
drooling for the win/reversal in 2022 and the regain the presidency & congress 
in 2024. You guys would be elated and living until that great day when America 
was back! 
2. Putin would not have attacked the Ukraine. Trumpo did attack the Wagner boys 
(Putin's mercs) in Syria in 2018. 
3. Xi and Trumpo would have either cut a deal or even better, cut all trade and 
infection paths, thus, enabling a US economic revival.
4. Border not opened. Which now enable both illegal immigrants, and fentanyl, 
and gun running both ways. (Note, I am no libertarian like Koch Industries, 
instead an economic nationalist of sorts). The UAW might like my policies? 
In any case, JC, as Bill Clinton once said: "You play the hand you get." The 
Biden-ideological thing is the world today.
No, no to Donny being a fierce fascist, yeah, to him being an egotistical loud 
mouth, but he's the one thing that all democrats agreed upon! You love the guy! 
He united your team in ways that no democratic party politician ever did. He's 
your villain, your Emanuel Goldstein to howl against. You guys are playing the 
Omarosa to The Donald in The Apprentice. Guaranteed, Adolf never would have 
tolerated an underling suing him. The poor man can't even win in court against 
her. Tell me he is Bond's Blofeld again, please?
Closer to an actual Blofeld in real life is George, No thug left behind, S. & 
Klaus, Bugsy, Schwab of the WEF. Again, ad hominem attacks are fun in the Saul 
Alinsky Rules for Radicals sense of the meaning. However, its policy that 
decides the fates of politicians and countries. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sat, Jul 2, 2022 8:10 am
Subject: Re: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

On Fri, Jul 1, 2022 at 7:29 PM <> wrote:

> Well, before the 1923 Nazi Putsch was the Kapp Putsch of 1920 which was pure 
> Wehrmacht.

What does that have to do with the price of eggs in China?  

 > Don was already prez and needed to putsch. What he needed was more votes.

What Don needed was more fraud and for Mike Pence to become a traitor.  So spud 
have two questions for you: 
1) Would you be happy today if Mike Pence had become a traitor on January 6 
2021 and Donald Trump was still president?
2) Would you be happy if Joe Biden lost the 2024 election in the electoral 
college and the popular vote, both by a large margin, but on January 6 2025 
Kamala Harris simply declared that the election was null and void and Joe Biden 
would still be president for another 4 years and she would still be the vice 

> He won't be running in 2024

I hope you're right but I don't think you are.  

> Actually, what is most important is Policy and not personality,

This is the age of the presidential nuclear button and of H-bombs, so I 
strongly disagree. In the first place the policy a presidential candidate runs 
on is seldom the policy he tries to pursue once he gets in office, and the 
policy he tries to pursue is seldom the one that actually gets implemented, the 
implemented one is almost always more convoluted and more stupid than either of 
the previous two. You probably think of me as an extreme left winger, certainly 
my former libertarian friends think so because I refused to jump on the Trump 
bandwagon, but I would vote for an intelligent principled conservative over a 
left leaning candidate who gave speeches I mostly agreed with if I judged he 
was unstable unprincipled untrustworthy ignorant and just plain stupid.

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



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