
Matt gives you good advice.

I strongly recommend using Partition Magic exclusively for all your
disk partitioning.

Set up the new disk as LBA in your BIOS, and make sure that your
choice of boot manager lets you boot over 8Gb (Boot Magic is OK and
comes with Partition Magic).  By using Boot Magic you won't need to
bother with  /boot partitions.  Make your Linux partitions hdb5, 6,
8, 9, with hdb7 your swap partition.  Depending upon your purpose, a
common home partition is often a good idea, but only for Linux
partitions sharing the same Linux distribution, and not for the first
time user.

Kirk McElhearn wrote:
> I am getting a new 20 gig HD this week, to add to my 4.3 gig HD.  I would
> like to have Windoze on the 4.3, and use the 20 for multiple Linux
> distributions (for testing and writing purposes).  Can this be done?  Can
> I , say, have five 4 gig partitions, and put a different Linux on each
> one?  If so, is there any special things to know when installing?  I
> would ideally not want to use Lilo, but use a boot floppy for each
> different distribution.  Will this work?



Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

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