However, I would recommend only using 4 linux installations of less than
5 gb each. By the time you get done partitioning and formatting, you
will not have 20gb, more like 19gb. To take care of the lilo limitation
of having all the boot files in the first 1000 cylinders of the disk,
make your swap partition first, then one large extended partition with
the rest of the disk. Inside the extended partition you can create 4
16mb partitions for /boot which will keep all your boot files at the
front of the disk. Then you can divide up whats left into four
partitions for the rest of your system (/ files which is everything but
/boot) You could do a lot of other variations with partitions, one of
which is to create one partition for /home but that means that your
login config files will always be the same for each flavor of linux.
This is good for some, but if you want to play with different window
managers and other stuff like different X servers (accelerated X), then
do not try to keep a common /home partition. 

Also what are the models of each of the disks that you have. Both ide?


Kirk McElhearn wrote:
> I am getting a new 20 gig HD this week, to add to my 4.3 gig HD.  I would
> like to have Windoze on the 4.3, and use the 20 for multiple Linux
> distributions (for testing and writing purposes).  Can this be done?  Can
> I , say, have five 4 gig partitions, and put a different Linux on each
> one?  If so, is there any special things to know when installing?  I
> would ideally not want to use Lilo, but use a boot floppy for each
> different distribution.  Will this work?
> Thanks,
> Kirk
>                                vice versa
>  Translations - French to English, English to French | Technical Writing
>  Traductions francais-anglais, anglais-francais      | Redaction technique
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     Kirk McElhearn | Chemin de la Lauze | 05600 Guillestre | France

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