You could do that, but it's easier to just use lilo for all of them.

Lilo can boot any number of Linux partitions for you, so there's really
no need to use the boot floppies.

It's easy to do that; you can even have a single swap partition that
they all share and just use different / partitions for each of them if
you want.

There really aren't any special considerations in doing this, except
that it's probably easiest to just install LILO with the primary
distribution and then have the others use that same lilo.conf.

You can do this by having each other distribution mount that parition
to "/maindist" or something and then ln -s /etc/lilo.conf to
/maindist/etc/lilo.conf for the others.

On Wed, 05 Apr 2000, you wrote:
| I am getting a new 20 gig HD this week, to add to my 4.3 gig HD.  I would 
| like to have Windoze on the 4.3, and use the 20 for multiple Linux 
| distributions (for testing and writing purposes).  Can this be done?  Can 
| I , say, have five 4 gig partitions, and put a different Linux on each 
| one?  If so, is there any special things to know when installing?  I 
| would ideally not want to use Lilo, but use a boot floppy for each 
| different distribution.  Will this work?
| Thanks,
| Kirk
|                                vice versa    
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|              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|     Kirk McElhearn | Chemin de la Lauze | 05600 Guillestre | France
"Brian, the man from babbleon-on"               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger               
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