On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, Kirk McElhearn wrote:

> I am getting a new 20 gig HD this week, to add to my 4.3 gig HD.  I would 
> like to have Windoze on the 4.3, and use the 20 for multiple Linux 
> distributions (for testing and writing purposes).  Can this be done?  Can 
> I , say, have five 4 gig partitions, and put a different Linux on each 
> one?  If so, is there any special things to know when installing?  I 
> would ideally not want to use Lilo, but use a boot floppy for each 
> different distribution.  Will this work?

        yes, it's possible. indeed, I have several linuxes in my home
computer. suse, caldera, corel, and mdk. furthermore, they share the same
swap partition. the only thig you should have in mind after instalation
is that you can't use lilo for this, because lilo is very acoplated with
the kernel. so, you'll have several kernels (one from each distro) but
just one lilo... this will cause problems.

        so, either you use anoter thing to boot each linux (i'm using
ntloader, from windows nt) and you put each lilo in the boot sector of
each linux / or /boot partition (now that I think about, I have only one 
part for each linux, so I don't have to mind about this), either you use
the same kernel in all the linux you have... 

        and maybe, you can share /root, /home and maybe /var/spool from
linux to lunix, just taking care of each one having the exactly same
/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow...

        good luck

"No tire sus colillas en el mingitorio, las humedece y
las hace dificil de encender"
"Do not dump butts in the wc. They dampen and it makes
them difficult to light."
                          --Tom Sharpe, "Wilt on high"

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