> Bill Hudspeth wrote:
>> I agree with you 200%!
>> I have wasted all kinds of time trying to work with "UNIX"
>> tools that are outdated and clumsy, except for the geeks who
>> thought they were cute. They aren't.

> Vi will always be around, and Linux/Unix admins will always have to know how
> to use it. Why? Because A) it comes with every flavour of Unix available; B)
> it is *very* compact, so it will run even on an almost completely crippled
> system.

> If it bugs you, don't use it - there are plenty of other character-driven text
> editors available.

this is backwards, if you know how to use vi or are willing to learn then it
will be a simple task for you to use it. but if you are new to linux/unix
(read: just about everyone on earth) vi is just too damned hard. there's no
apparent help, no feedback, nothing. The first time I used vi I had to pull
the plug on the computer because I couldn't figure out how to make it quit.
Just because it's been around a long time doesn't mean we have to be saddled
with it forever. Sure, a compact console based text editor is needed but you
can have that and still have it be easy to use. at least put the
instructions at the top.
>> I still (silly me) believe that Linux 'could be' a better system - but,
>> not without a lot of effort directed toward usability.
> Usability is an entirely subjective property.

not true. put a group of novices in a room and measure how much work they
get done in an hour. with vi they'll still be scrolling through the man


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