Pierre Fortin wrote:
> Mark,
> [At the risk of starting a thread that won't die...]
> With all due respect, your comments really puzzle me...  especially in a Linux
> forum... Extending your argument, why was it ever necessary to make Linux so
> reliable?  Users could just "dump and restart" it too...


That's exactly my point. One IS Linux and was designed specifically to
go 24/7 and the other is Netscape, a browser that runs inside the OS and
was not designed to go 24/7. Linux was written and is being written to
remain stable and usable under extreme conditions and long term use,
whereas Netscape clearly was not. While there is plenty of reason to
expect netscape to behave well enough to run at least 7-8 hours non-stop
without choaking, clogging, or otherwise making a pain of itself,
because of it's coding and lack of error checking it's not designed to
do what Linux does without breaking a sweat.

"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being
        "Sharing is what makes them powerful."

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