Praedor Tempus wrote:

>OK, I want to change the name of my laptop from the default 
>localhost.localdomain to  Looking at the manpage for 
>hostname, it mentions: /etc/init.d/boot, /etc/hostname, and 
>/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 as where/how hostname is set.  Uh-uh!  Does not does not!  
>There exists no /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1, nor /etc/boot, nor /etc/hostname on my 
>system so either Mandrake has substantially deviated from the norm or the 
>manpage is hopelessly bogus and to be eradicated from the face of the earth.
>To quote the manpage:
>       The  host  name  is  usually set once at system startup in
>       /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 or /etc/init.d/boot (normally by  read­
>       ing  the  contents of a file which contains the host name,
>       e.g.  /etc/hostname).
>What a crock.  So, how does the hostname REALLY get set?  Not by any of the 
>methods in the manpage for hostname, that's for sure.  What config file is to 
>be edited so that when the laptop boots up it identifies itself as 
>"" and the prompt on my konsole says "[praedor@lapdog]#" 
>instead of "[praedor@localhost]#" without dicking up anything running on my 
>system?  As I previously wrote, ANY attempt to change my hostname in the past 
>has led to a number of things going tits up such that I always had to go back 
>to the default localhost.  
>Question...since I own, I AM able to simply and without 
>difficulty name my machines "" and 
>"" yes?  
>On Sunday 23 June 2002 01:28 pm, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
>>J. Craig Woods wrote:
>>>civileme wrote:
>>>>OK, first of all you did not need to touch a wizard.  Those are designed
>>>>for one-time setup which is why we call them wizards.  They are not
>>>>tools to be used for maintenance, and they make a lot of assumptions, as
>>>>is appropriate for their target audience (NT administrators).
>>>>Next, _default_ performance in postfix is to gethostname from the system
>>>>and use that, which indicates that you don't need to do anything with
>>>>postfix configuration.  You need to change your hostname, and that's
>>>>all.  You can do that with MandrakeControlCenter or linuxconf, just
>>>>remember to restart desktops or there will be problems.
>>>>There IS a problem with this.  Brain-dead anti-spam tools have your IP
>>>>on a DUL (dial-up-list) and that's one strike.  Strike two+three is when
>>>>they cannot authenticate your transmission name to an IP address, so a
>>>>lot of mailservers won't relay your mail and some will reject it because
>>>>it doesn't authenticate.
>>>>There is a way around that, but it co$t$ money, at least $4/year.  That
>>>>is, since you have the domain name registered, you need the registered
>>>>name pointed to a DNS server which will resolve to your (current) IP.
>>>>Your machine can find and transmit its IP to the DNS server with a
>>>>short script, and can update every 5 minutes in case you have a break in
>>>>service and your IP address changes with the reconnection.  The most
>>>>reasonable place to have this service (that I have found) is
>>>>  He used to offer this service for free (as but
>>>>now he has costs to cover, so $4/year.
>>>>I just finished a script that does something very similar, it transmits
>>>>an IP address from a local machine to a remote ftp where the user has
>>>>write access, like one of the free website places.  It was to allow
>>>>people on the road to reach their home computer through the internet by
>>>>snatching the current IP address from a stable site and using it to
>>>>address their own computer at home, through http or ssh or whatever it
>>>>is running.  It should be available to Mandrake Club members shortly.
>>>As I have watched and read this thread over the months that Praedor has
>>>been posting it, and re-wording it, I have come to the conclusion that
>>>his problem has nothing whatsoever to do with any MTA, be it a sendmail
>>>or a postfix setup issue. While you are right, Civ, about how to get the
>>>MTA to work, the first *MOST* basic thing that must be done, for most
>>>everything you will do with a server (including the ability to send and
>>>receive email with your own privately running MTA), is to give your box
>>>a FQDN. I know everybody is now shaking their heads, saying no shit doc,
>>>this is a no brainer! But read Praedor's mail carefully or go back for
>>>his earlier postings. The ability to give his server a FQDN is the *ONE*
>>>task he cannot complete. For some unknown reasons, when he attempts to
>>>give his box a name, other than the "localhost.localdomain", his machine
>>>becomes foobarred to the max.
>>>Praedor, you need to help us understand why you can not complete the
>>>simple task of naming a machine. Maybe you can send us some log file
>>>entries that give us specific errors messages...
>>may he hasn't thought of one that he likes yet. maybe it's something
>>unconcious about the name that screws everthing up. maybe it's something
>>freudian. maybe I just have too much time on my hands and I'm full of
>>shit!  ;)
>>a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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EASY way is

(gad, looks like that manpage wasn't written for SysVInit)

just drop in the Install CD#1 or use the network image or however you 
installed the first time

Select Expert and Upgrade/Update  NOT Upgrade Packages only.

Let it fuss and twitter for a while til it figures out there are no new 
packages to add then (oh well you can add some packages if you really 
want) then DON'T skip network config.

Go through the network config and set your hostname right there to

Use cancel to ship leaving old configs in place for the rest of the update .

There is a way to set hostname with linuxconf as well, and probably 
there are config files which can be directly edited--just look at the 
code of

/etc/rc.sysinit  (which is a link to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit)

It calls /bin/hostname to get the current hostname

Strangely enough if you are root and in a terminal call


Then magically IS your hostname...  log out of any X or 
you will have problems especuially with open sockets for interprocess 
communications, in fact reboot because a whole bunch of config files 
will still have a previous hostname


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