On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 14:36:00 -0700
Todd Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said with temporary authority

> Praedor Tempus wrote on Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 04:18:14PM -0500 :
> > OK, I want to change the name of my laptop from the default 
> > localhost.localdomain to lapdog.ravenhome.net.  Looking at the
> > manpage for hostname, it mentions: /etc/init.d/boot, /etc/hostname,
> > and /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 as where/how hostname is set.  Uh-uh!  Does
> > not does not!  
> vi /etc/sysconfig/network
>   HOSTNAME="lapdog.ravenhome.net"
>   DOMAINNAME="ravenhome.net"
> Note that you either need to have:
> 1) a DNS server that returns authoritative info for the ravenhome.net
> domain, especially the host lapdog.  If you are using 192.168.* or
> 10.* or 172.16/20 IP addresses, then you need to have a nameserver
> that provides different answers based on where the name query
> originates from.
> -OR-
> 2) Configure it in /etc/hosts of all machines that need to access it
> directly.
> Blue skies...         Todd

Praedor... also to make the change work without a reboot type
hostname=lapdog.ravenhome.net  ... then to verify just type hostname. 
This will make it work for this session.  What Todd suggests will make
it permanent and work over a reboot.> -- 
>   Todd Lyons -- MandrakeSoft, Inc.   http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
> UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because 
>   that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
>    Cooker Version mandrake-release-8.3-0.2mdk Kernel 2.4.18-20mdk

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