On Tuesday 08 October 2002 20:50, Todd Lyons wrote:

> Sounds possible, but will it run in the same amount of RAM or will it
> require 3 times the RAM?  This program runs fairly fast on an Athlon 1
> Gig CPU with 384 Megs of RAM.  Have you tried it on a P2 333 with 128I 
wanted to say that there is absolutely no intention to be harsh or to 
diminish the work of MDK developers in what I'm saying - 
> Megs of RAM?  Now make it require even more RAM and watch it crawl.

I used to run the old rpmdrake on a 128 Mb Ram Celeron 700 (which is not a 
lightning) and it worked just fine.

I understand your concerns about writing software that can be used by the 
widest spectrum of platforms and users, but a 333 P2 is a five year old 
machine. A bit too old, innit?

Wishing to have MDK 9.0 + KDE 3 (or Gnome 2) and maybe even OpenOffice run 
smoothly on a five years old PC is a bit like trying to run Windows 98 and MS 
Office 97 on a 8 Megs 486 DX... maybe not impossible, but... is it worth?

> Every design comes with advantages and disadvantages.  There's no way to
> meet every single need with optimum settings.

Right and agreeable. But I still keep my opinion on obsolete hardware - how 
reasonable is to try to have a 2002 OS running smoothly on a 1995-1996 PC at 
all costs, i.e. giving up useability for EVERYONE only to try not to cut off 
a few users with very old machines?

> If you don't like it, you are welcome to take the old rpmdrake and
> maintain it yourself. 

I really wish I could contribute with code, but I have no coding skills and I 
have no time to learn how to write software from scratch. Right now, all that  
I can do is to report bugs I come across or give my feedback about apps (and, 
yeah, buy a Power Pack, of course!).

> With Linux, you have that choice.

That's what I like about Linux :-)

I know I come a bit late to complain about new features in MDK 9.0 but I have 
decided to completely switch to Linux only a few months ago and I wasn't 
aware about the discussion going on on the Cooker list about the new  
features implemented in MDK 9.0.
Should join it soon to voice out my thoughts at the right stage of development 
and influence the shaping-up of MDK 10.0! :-)

Before quitting, I wanted to say that there is absolutely no intention to 
diminish the work of MDK developers in what I've said - I really appreciate 
what you guys/ladies do and there are no enough words to thank the people 
that bring us such a great OS for free. It's just that Mandrake is brilliant 
and I simply would like it to be better and better - I felt that the new 
rpmdrake (and a few other things) didn't go in this direction, that's it, but 
I understand your points/concerns even if I don't always agree with them.

Take care, keep up the great job,

Piero Piutti
Ticket to Ride - The Unofficial Ride Website: http://www.mareasub.it/ride

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