Good thread, Curtis. I'm keeping your (I think)
retitling of the original thread above, because
it ties in well to the rap it inspired in me.

I honestly think that a lot of the bottom line
of why some people prefer to believe in a God
and some don't is their level of comfort with
the idea that someone or something IS "in charge"
of life and its machinations. The believers in
God (or even in "Nature" as a designing force
in the universe) is founded on -- in my opinion,
and all that it *is* is opinion -- the desire
to believe that there is a Plan.

For whatever reason -- consider it a failing on
my part if you want, or a strength if you want --
I really don't find any need to believe that 
there is a Plan. I'm completely comfortable with
a random universe, in which there is no Plan
whatsoever. I'm comfortable with every "pattern"
or "design" or "Grand Plan" that humans perceive
in the universe around them -- including my own --
having been *projected* there, out of a desire
to believe that things *aren't* random.

I don't have any problem with life being random.
I don't have any problem with it having some kind
of Plan behind it. I will never know for sure,
either way.

But as far as I can tell, a *lot* of people are
*not* comfortable with the notion that life just
might be random. They want to believe that their
lives have "meaning," that they are an integral
part of some Grand Plan that they might not fully
understand, but which is in place and proceeding...
uh...according to Plan.

Cool, I guess. It just doesn't get me off to 
believe that. My life may have no "meaning" what-
soever, and that's just fine with me. That *frees*
me to assign my *own* "meaning" to it, even if
that "meaning" is as puny a thing as trying to
bring my best to each of my interactions with
other beings I encounter randomly during the
course of each day.

That -- how you choose to live each day -- is to 
me a far greater concern than whether there is 
some Grand Plan for the universe and what it is
supposed to "become." What it may "become" is,
in my estimation, a *distraction*, a way of 
"selling futures" or believing in a "preferable"
future, and thus avoiding full immersion in and
embracing of what really IS, here and now. A
*dissatisfaction* with what IS, here and now,
a belief that it doesn't fully represent the
"Plan," seems to me to be kinda missing the point.

But others find a comfort in believing that there
is a Plan for all of this, and that their lives
are an integral part of that Plan. Good on them.
May that belief allow them to enjoy life and to
grow as compassionate human beings.

Me, I'm gonna stick with "Plan Agnosticism" as a
way of life. I don't know whether there is a Plan
or not, and it doesn't matter to me one way or
another. If there isn't, then I have to invent
my own. If there is, I *still* have to invent
my own.

I do not hold *any* "scripture" or guideline for
how to live life as authoritative or The Truth.
*None* of them. They were all -- in my opinion --
speculative works of fiction created by well-
meaning human beings who were projecting their
desire or need for a Plan onto a random universe.

I was born into this software/hardware construct
we call Life without a User's Manual. And, being
a hacker by nature, I don't feel badly about not
having one. Heck, I probably wouldn't have RTFM'd
if I *had* been presented with one. 

I'm content with just pressing keys here and there
and seeing what happens, and learning from my own
experience. If pressing F8 tends to have the same
effect over and over, and I find the effect to be
a good thing, then I might adopt pressing F8 as
some kind of "spiritual practice" in my life. But
if someday I press F8 and the *opposite* happens,
I'm not terribly attached to pressing F8 as a way
of life. I can drop it like a hot potato and do
something else. 

Pressing F8 is not part of some Grand Plan for me;
it's just something I figured out on my own that
seems to work most of the time. If it stops work-
ing, I try to figure out something else. I'm

And that last word brings up another reason why
I think that some people like to believe in a Plan.
They're *not* flexible. Something in them is 
*offended* by the idea that doing the same thing
they've been doing for a long time might *not*
cause the results they're expecting. They like to
believe that the thing they're doing is part of
some inviolable, eternal Plan, and should always
work the same way.

Cool, I guess, if that's what gets these folks off.
May they continue through life pressing the same
keys they've been pressing in them so far, secure
in the knowledge that pressing those keys is part
of some Grand Plan. May they continue on their path,
secure in the knowledge *that* pressing these same
keys will someday result in the "fulfillment" of
that Grand Plan, for themselves and for the universe.
Whatever floats your boat.

Me, I'll keep pressing keys at random, just to see
what happens. Doing this has gotten me here and now,
and I have *no problem* with who and what I am,
here and now. It's been a fine life, even if it
has been a random one. I fully expect it to continue
being a fine life, even if it *is* random.

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