--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > I honestly think that a lot of the bottom line
> > of why some people ....
> I'm out on this

I'm going to spend my next-to-last post of this
week asking for a clarification on this, Michael
(thereby wasting it, when I could have been
talking about things of greater consequence).

I really don't understand what you're trying to
express here.

I understand that your first language is not 
English, and so it's possible that you were trying
to express something different than what came 
across. What *did* come across was a sense of you
being somehow *offended* by what I said, and drop-
ping out of the conversation because of it.

This leaves me puzzled and confused. I don't see
how I could possibly have been clearer that what
I expressed in the post you're reacting to is
*my opinion*. It does happen to be my long-thought-
out-and-considered belief, but that is synonymous
*with* opinion in my book.

I also went out of my way to say that not only was
it my opinion, I wasn't suggesting it to anyone
else as something they should hold as *their* 
opinion, or subscribe to as one of their beliefs.
I wasn't "selling" a thing. 

Therefore, if you *were* offended, I really don't
understand why. I made it perfectly clear that I
perceive no Plan behind the universe. None. Nada.
Nichevo. Bupkus. That's how *I* see things, not
how I was suggesting that *you* see things. 

I also went out of my way to say that I DON'T KNOW.
There could very possibly *be* a Plan for all I
know. And I am as comfortable with that as I am
with there being no Plan at all. So again, if you
were offended somehow, I just don't understand why,
or for what reason.

Please explain. 

What I said about one of the baseline reasons for
belief in God being a desire to believe that there
is some kind of Plan to creation is not new. It
has, in fact, been stated by any number of philos-
ophers, and by any number of *believers in God*.
It's basically a *staple* of such discussions.
What about this idea could *possibly* be considered

If you *were* trying to express a sense of being
somehow offended by what I said, I have to say that
*that* is the very reason that we who don't believe 
in a God are often reluctant to discuss things with 
those who do. They tend to get offended and indignant 
over the mere expression of *ideas* that run counter 
to their own.

Again, please explain. Stalking off in a snit, if
that is what you intended your cryptic message to
convey, doesn't make a terribly strong case for 
your position in all of this, IMO. Not that I am
trying to "argue" at all; I'm not...I'm merely
expressing what I tend to believe. If you thought
I was trying to sell you something or convince *you*
to believe it, I suggest you look into not only what
I really said, but also the accuracy of your own 

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