--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> New,
> I'm going to reply to your post, cuz, well you're sooooo much a better
> writer than Torque 

Duh. My sanskaras working themselves out against my karma produces way
 cooler "doesn't amount a hill of beans" word slop than his random
universe growing out of pot emptied by too much pure acid.

> I feel that you're really putting out the
> creativity, and it makes even your "swiftboating of Edg" entertaining
> enough to read.  Again, A+ for style in your blue books.  Content: D-

Is this a permanent transcript? 

> I don't believe I'm God.  
> If God is ventriloquising through all meat robots, then "my" thoughts
> are not any more important than any other robot's

Or, to me, it means your God is way schizoid. For example, God
speaking thru Turqbody
arguing endlessly (more in past) with God speaking thru Judybody.

And why God? Why is it a cool suave sophisticated Satan that is
talking thru you?

> I DO HAVE a way to explain my belief that God exists -- and it's not
> based on the fact that my thoughts are so precious to me that I think
> they must be divine in origin.  
> It's called Intelligent Design, and I wish you'd open that door and
> invite God inside to bang your cranium's walls about it.  

Been there, done that. Maybe I have devolved, but I have moved on from

> Ask your SELF about the origins of the laws of nature, and try to find
> ANYTHING that is not touched by the divine in terms of its complex
> harmonies, depth of potency, fractaling endlessness,
> over-completeness, etc.  

I like Hugo's recent post. It summarizes something close to my view.
The powerful forces of evolution (physical) and karma
(social,individual), etc --and others -- is so awesome, and
beautiful,in and of itself.

New, I know that you can do this, and in
> fact, I know that you will concede that, yeah, EVERYTHING'S SO FUCKING

Life is beautiful without positing a God. God may be there TOO. The
the massive beauty of the universe, and its "trip", doesn'tdepend on
> See?  There's an orderliness of how things come into existence.  

Which got "selected" out of 1000's of others, because it worked.

> That plan 

The universe is a huge pinball machine, IMO. No Plan. Just balls-on

>is always seen to be, despite uncertainty's foam and
> Arjuna's impotency in the face of unfathomable actions of the gunas,
> No credible scientist today would say that the universe would turn out
> differently given the same beginning conditions.  The laws of physics
> are absolutes even if Heisenberg and Godel cannot grasp them enough to
> predict the future.   

I don't hold that the Universe is random. Like tennis. The
doesn'goingt just go anywhere,anyhow. It goes deep towards the
baseline, awesome angle cross court, with breath beholding topspin.
And I can do it again and again, because nature has evolved into
orderly patterns that work. So though my forehand is by no means
random, I have no idea how this match is going to turn out. There is
no PLAN that determines it. (And Maria keeps mooning me, so its way
> But then take it all a step farther, deeper, into the silence in which
> ALL THIS occurs.  There's your source of laws, there's your God with a
> Plan, there's your oversoul, your amness, your Being, your Mother's

Doesn't do it for me. Doesn't rock my epistimogical standards.
> Go there, New.  Come back and tell me there's no God.

First, I was never arguing that there is no God. I am not an atheist
(those filthy pigs! :) ).

Second, you will need to way tighten up your schtick if you are to wow
me into becoming a true beleiver.

Third.Enjoy the Wonder.

Fourth: Say "i don't know"

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