
I'm going to reply to your post, cuz, well you're sooooo much a better
writer than Torque The Pred.  Honest, really, I mean it, and, despite
my "saying so" being such a laughable shot at driving a wedge between
you and Unky Punky, I feel that you're really putting out the
creativity, and it makes even your "swiftboating of Edg" entertaining
enough to read.  Again, A+ for style in your blue books.  Content: D-  

I don't believe I'm God.  

But, wait, that's way too complex, let me shorten it:  

I don't believe I'm.  

See?  Even the silence ain't me.

I cannot be a megalomaniac -- or anything else -- if "I" is just an

If God is ventriloquising through all meat robots, then "my" thoughts
are not any more important than any other robot's -- nor less -- I
cannot say I'm right and they're wrong nor can they assert that they
are spouting truths to my delusions.  I cannot start a religion just
because God is using me like a boombox.  

Nor do I think I can validate anyone else's attempt at a religion, a
morality, a political party, etc.  My own morality is merely
fear-based rules that "work most of the time."  Hard to get up on a
stump about it, except that if ya gotta stand somewhere, a stump's as
good as any place.

I'm thrilled with the flow, but I, ego, not empowered thereby, cuz,
again, there's no I.  But the false I, the ego, can and will try to
take credit for thinking, and yeah, it can get way out of hand, and
yeah, New, stomp my little twit any time you see him grabbing my
keyboard -- which he does way muchly.  That smarmy smug smirk on my
face that you want to wipe off -- that's the twit.  Smack 'im if you
want, but believe me, there's plenty of smackers out there doing a
very good job already.

I mean.  It's like I'm in a cloud of bees.  What kind of divine rascal
must I, er, bee, to attract this hoard?  Don't answer that.

The concept of the yugas is believed by me, ego, and also by 5,000
years of the best and deepest thinkers (egos) of Asia.  God seems to
like the concept enough to jaw about. If you discount the conclusions
of history, you're going to look like fool, cuz, in 5,000 years, you
just know that there's been Einstein level brains working until the
steam coming out of their ears was fogging up the cave.  Whatever
concept you or I could glom onto -- ANY concept -- well, those cavemen
examined it like physicists hovering around a Wilson Cloud Chamber. 
Their conclusions will not be significantly countered except by, if
ever, far far more serious and capable thinkers than you or me. 
Brains that percolate like Vaj on meth channeling Cardemaister on
shrooms.  Some brain like that maybe could attempt to approach these
concepts with any scholarship or nuanced insights.

And I do tend to bend to such authority, but yeah, they could all be
wrong, but the yugas concept is so useful to explain why God would "DO
ALL THIS," and that includes Uncle Drooler's leering, and Caravaggio's
overwhelming use of black paint, and the fact that George Bush is a
buncher not a folder.

I DO HAVE a way to explain my belief that God exists -- and it's not
based on the fact that my thoughts are so precious to me that I think
they must be divine in origin.  

It's called Intelligent Design, and I wish you'd open that door and
invite God inside to bang your cranium's walls about it.  

That means, do samyama on the concept.  I'm serious.

Ask your SELF about the origins of the laws of nature, and try to find
ANYTHING that is not touched by the divine in terms of its complex
harmonies, depth of potency, fractaling endlessness,
over-completeness, etc.  New, I know that you can do this, and in
fact, I know that you will concede that, yeah, EVERYTHING'S SO FUCKING

Buckminster Fuller stopped this guy from swatting flies, cuz they were
such incredible tiny precise sentient computing exquisite flying
machines. He could see God mosh pitting the tetrahedroness of it all.

Take a drum, pour salt on it, tap lightly on the drum, watch the salt
arrange itself into patterns. 

Well, what happens when you "tap lightly" in the presence of
primordial hydrogen?

Answer:  tap long enough and you get every pattern.  And the patterns
that can harmonize with others survive longer and become parts of
other megapatterns, and on and on.

Now, stop.

Do it again.  

Tap the hydrogen.


Don't take my word for it.  Look into the night sky.  All the stars
have been created by the steady tapping on hydrogen by the finger of
gravity.  Note that things evolve in an orderly fashion.  For
instance, Guinea worms are not produced immediately -- gotta tap the
hydrogen a looooong time before they pop out clearly on the
"drumhead."  Same deal for that wet spot on Turqy's lap.

See?  There's an orderliness of how things come into existence.  Even
if this orderliness is caused by, say, insentient laws of physics,
this orderliness can be called A Plan -- an inherent design that
scientists everywhere are delineating with, ahem, divine exactitude.

That plan is always seen to be, despite uncertainty's foam and
Arjuna's impotency in the face of unfathomable actions of the gunas,

No credible scientist today would say that the universe would turn out
differently given the same beginning conditions.  The laws of physics
are absolutes even if Heisenberg and Godel cannot grasp them enough to
predict the future.  

I gotta tell ya, I don't know how much more planny plan plan a plan
can be!  No Big Bad Wolf is going to pluck a single hair from the
chinny chin chin of Intelligent Design.

But then take it all a step farther, deeper, into the silence in which
ALL THIS occurs.  There's your source of laws, there's your God with a
Plan, there's your oversoul, your amness, your Being, your Mother's home.

Even if there is no God, this design is worshipful.  My feelings of
awe about the gift of thought are absolutely "forgivable."  My sin:
being fooled by Being when it pretended to be God.  Even Bramha loved
creation so much He identified with it -- so I'm in good company, eh?

Ain't starting no damned religion about it though, and if you're
trying to bloviate that I am, it's a red herring, and there are many
here who can see this attempt as a twerp tactic.  Come on, New, step
up to a higher style.

But one thing's for sure.  Transcending, being Being, always produces
awe -- gagafies the bots it does.  If we have to have a form for God,
silence is the purest shape -- guna-balanced-amness is as silent as a
taut string's arrow -- and all reporters, all, who experience Being
ALWAYS say the same things about it. Not a single report says silence
is anything less than mystically divine.

And that's merely what we can get using concepts.  Amness -- a poised
Shiva pausing on one foot with arms splayed like peacock's bouquet,
can be transcended also.

THAT which is beyond Shiva is the rightful target of identification --
that ACTUAL silence can stay Shiva's pirouette mid-arc.

Go there, New.  Come back and tell me there's no God.


new.morning wrote:
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > "I've never authored a single thought. As if. Every thought comes from
> > where I know not of. Suddenly just there. Impossibly there, and so
> > spendable, so vital. Manna pure and simple, I pick this sustenance
> > up off the ground-state. We're all wandering Jews, eh?"
> > 
> > Here you are being honest, you don't know where your thoughts come
> > from.  This is human creativity at work and it is a wonder!
> > 
> > 
> > > That's God to me.  An overwhelming giving of the earth to
> > inheriting,> meeky me.
> > > 
> > > He's not dallying on some distant throne with harping minions
> > flitting> in the billows.
> > > 
> > > He's here now -- in my face, my brain, my marrow.  He's laughing
> > > inside my atoms using my electrons like whirligigs. <Snip>
> > 
> > And here are you saying that you know that "God" is the source of your
> > thoughts?  I dig the poetry of it all but as an ontological claim it
> > lacks uh, let's lacks anything beyond a poetic notion. (not
> > that there is anything wrong with that)  
> > 
> > Here is where it matters.  When people claim to "know" that it is
> > "God" who is feeding them thoughts.  Perhaps we have a functioning
> > personal mind under our conscious mind that is busy cranking this
> > stuff out rather than a deity, what shall we call this part of our
> > mind...oh I know an unconscious mind!
> > 
> > > Each speck in space, each plink, plank and plunk, each twang in the
> > > silence is God's sparking.  
> > > 
> > > I cannot find non-Godness.
> > 
> > What you can't find is your perception without using this filter
> > overlay on your experience, interpreting everything this way.  Want
> > some REAL silence?  Try actually just experiencing your silence
> > without the belief overlay. 
> > 
> > Personally I think you are a creative human and I don't need an
> > explanation that your thoughts are a result of any God.  It is not
> > that what your are writing isn't good, but I would expect a bit more
> > from the creator of the universe. 
> > 
> > 
> I tend to agree with Curtis. 
> Realizing one does not think, volitionally, thoughts --  that they
> come effortlessly, is a good wonderful step,IMO. And you may GET IT
> the first time you get checked, or 20 years later when you are
> checked, or when you memorize the checking notes. Or never. Stealth
> Mahavakya.
> But attributing thoughts to God -- while nice and poetic, is neither
> necessary -- or even much of a compliment to God -- if She exists
> beyond Maya. (And "She" includes the prospect of a totally Gay, Queen
> God. All possibilities,all possibilities) ((If so, I vote for Lyood 
> on Entourage).
> If God and Ishwara type exists (and SHE has not walked thru my walls
> -- nor has Ganesh (btw, did you  see the new Albee play, "Waiting for
> Ganesh"?) then I give them enough credit to be Deist types -- and
> "exit stage left" -- as did yogi bear -- when they designed this
> latest gig (aka "creation"). 
> There is no need to posit GOD as thinking your f.. mundane thoughts.
> OMG, give God a little more credit. If GOD thought your thoughts, the
> THOUGHTS would so f... blast you to NOTHINGNESS (Jai Sarte) -- its not
> even polite to imagine the carnage.
> Thoughts come because of your past mundane attachments. And your
> reaction to oncoming karma (responses based on learning and education
> -- again karma-based).
> And why Randomness and Predetermination are the only two choices --
> thats trip down blinders-on thinking. There are SO many more
> possibilities.
> So rock on, if you need to get off on the image --and illusion -- of 
> GOD thinking your thoughts (just a bit grandiose and meglomanic are
> we?) I thought we left maya back at the last train stop.

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