--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> "I've never authored a single thought. As if. Every thought comes 
> where I know not of. Suddenly just there. Impossibly there, and so
> spendable, so vital. Manna pure and simple, I pick this sustenance
> up off the ground-state. We're all wandering Jews, eh?"
> Here you are being honest, you don't know where your thoughts come
> from.  This is human creativity at work and it is a wonder!
> > That's God to me.  An overwhelming giving of the earth to
> inheriting,> meeky me.
> > 
> > He's not dallying on some distant throne with harping minions
> flitting> in the billows.
> > 
> > He's here now -- in my face, my brain, my marrow.  He's laughing
> > inside my atoms using my electrons like whirligigs. <Snip>
> And here are you saying that you know that "God" is the source of 
> thoughts?  I dig the poetry of it all but as an ontological claim it
> lacks uh, let's see...it lacks anything beyond a poetic notion. (not
> that there is anything wrong with that)  
> Here is where it matters.  When people claim to "know" that it is
> "God" who is feeding them thoughts.  Perhaps we have a functioning
> personal mind under our conscious mind that is busy cranking this
> stuff out rather than a deity, what shall we call this part of our
> mind...oh I know an unconscious mind!
> > Each speck in space, each plink, plank and plunk, each twang in 
> > silence is God's sparking.  
> > 
> > I cannot find non-Godness.
> What you can't find is your perception without using this filter
> overlay on your experience, interpreting everything this way.  Want
> some REAL silence?  Try actually just experiencing your silence
> without the belief overlay. 
> Personally I think you are a creative human and I don't need an
> explanation that your thoughts are a result of any God.  It is not
> that what your are writing isn't good, but I would expect a bit more
> from the creator of the universe. 

Boy, there's been some beautiful writing about atheism on here today 
chaps, it moves me, it really does. So often all you hear is the fear 
so many religious people have that athiests are immoral or not to be 
trusted because we have no "faith". Nice to know there are others out 
there who feel like me and have really thought about where they are 
and what life means.

I've spent my life reading books about Darwinism and to me the real 
majesty of creation is how it has got here from nothing. The world 
seems so much more precious and just plain REAL once you really get 
what is going on, and it takes some huge mental leaps, not to mention 
an exercise in severe humility, to understand Darwin. I think it's 
one of the most misunderstood theories. To blame god or intelligent 
design for creation just takes things away from it IMO. And doesn't 
actually answer how things got started, it just pushes the answer 
further away. It's impossible to prove that something doesn't exist 
of course, I've just never felt the need to complicate things with 
gods. Or is that just a belief? No way to know.

Man is a strange creature, it's no wonder to me we feel special and 
in need of an explanation of why we are different. It's just amazing 
we got the particular few things we needed to be us, a descended 
larynx so we can form a big enough range of sounds to have speech and 
a brain capable of utilising that speech as abstract thought and 
viola! the rest is history (literally). How easy it would have been 
for that never to have happened, self-awareness must be the rarest 
thing in the entire universe. Just think, the earth is here for 4 
billion years and it takes that long before the first creature gets 
the wake up gene, what are the chances of it? Pretty slim I'd say, 
and it humbles me to think we could be the only beings in creation 
that are aware they are alone.

Another astonishing thing is our brains came pre-adapted with the 
ability to "transcend", amazing experiences guaranteed! With 
capabilities like that could the history of mans inner spiritual life 
ever have been different? 

As you can see I like my world without god, it's more precious to me 
like that. But it's so easy to start taking things for granted, so 
easy to forget the big picture, so easy to stop feeling small. 
Reading these pages today nudged me awake, gave me things to think 
about. So thanks for that, I hope I can return the favour someday.

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