TurquoiseB wrote:
> Having gone over by one post, I will go over by two.
> So shoot me or ban me for a week.
> Michael, I wasn't *speaking* to you in either of my
> posts this morning. I didn't even have you in mind.
> So *you* are speaking to someone else, someone in
> your imagination (or God's imagination, if you prefer) 
> and don't really need an answer from me.
> I just rapped about what I tend to believe. Do with
> it what you will. If you choose to get all bent out
> of shape and insulted by it, I trust that it will
> make you feel better to believe that God is really
> the one being offended, not you. :-)
> I believe what I believe, and you are free to do the
> same. I have never suggested otherwise. At the same
> time, I am free to speculate as to *why* others may
> believe as they believe, and what the repercussions
> of that belief may be. *Just* as you do rather
> often here, and in fact do in this very post. 
> You have a *history* of overreacting anytime someone
> challenges the value of belief in God or the value
> of practicing bhakti. I'd look into *that* if I were
> you, not other people's behavior. You claim in this
> post that you'll say it once and then never say it
> again. Yeah, right. You've done that before, too.
> You claim that you don't want to argue, and then do
> just that. You claim that you don't want to defend
> your position, and then do just that. Physician,
> heal thyself.
> If you can't handle people presenting views that
> are contrary to yours without getting all upset, 
> *especially* when they're not talking about *you*,
> I'd advise you to stay out of those discussions.
So, you can't handle it and you went over your posting 
limit, and you're all upset.

> God *may* be dictating all your actions, but if so
> He's becoming an enormous bore. Otherwise it's you. 
> Your call.
> Barry

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