--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> "I've never authored a single thought. As if. Every thought comes from
> where I know not of. Suddenly just there. Impossibly there, and so
> spendable, so vital. Manna pure and simple, I pick this sustenance
> up off the ground-state. We're all wandering Jews, eh?"
> Here you are being honest, you don't know where your thoughts come
> from.  This is human creativity at work and it is a wonder!
> > That's God to me.  An overwhelming giving of the earth to
> inheriting,> meeky me.
> > 
> > He's not dallying on some distant throne with harping minions
> flitting> in the billows.
> > 
> > He's here now -- in my face, my brain, my marrow.  He's laughing
> > inside my atoms using my electrons like whirligigs. <Snip>
> And here are you saying that you know that "God" is the source of your
> thoughts?  I dig the poetry of it all but as an ontological claim it
> lacks uh, let's see...it lacks anything beyond a poetic notion. (not
> that there is anything wrong with that)  
> Here is where it matters.  When people claim to "know" that it is
> "God" who is feeding them thoughts.  Perhaps we have a functioning
> personal mind under our conscious mind that is busy cranking this
> stuff out rather than a deity, what shall we call this part of our
> mind...oh I know an unconscious mind!
> > Each speck in space, each plink, plank and plunk, each twang in the
> > silence is God's sparking.  
> > 
> > I cannot find non-Godness.
> What you can't find is your perception without using this filter
> overlay on your experience, interpreting everything this way.  Want
> some REAL silence?  Try actually just experiencing your silence
> without the belief overlay. 
> Personally I think you are a creative human and I don't need an
> explanation that your thoughts are a result of any God.  It is not
> that what your are writing isn't good, but I would expect a bit more
> from the creator of the universe. 

I tend to agree with Curtis. 

Realizing one does not think, volitionally, thoughts --  that they
come effortlessly, is a good wonderful step,IMO. And you may GET IT
the first time you get checked, or 20 years later when you are
checked, or when you memorize the checking notes. Or never. Stealth

But attributing thoughts to God -- while nice and poetic, is neither
necessary -- or even much of a compliment to God -- if She exists
beyond Maya. (And "She" includes the prospect of a totally Gay, Queen
God. All possibilities,all possibilities) ((If so, I vote for Lyood 
on Entourage).

If God and Ishwara type exists (and SHE has not walked thru my walls
-- nor has Ganesh (btw, did you  see the new Albee play, "Waiting for
Ganesh"?) then I give them enough credit to be Deist types -- and
"exit stage left" -- as did yogi bear -- when they designed this
latest gig (aka "creation"). 

There is no need to posit GOD as thinking your f.. mundane thoughts.
OMG, give God a little more credit. If GOD thought your thoughts, the
THOUGHTS would so f... blast you to NOTHINGNESS (Jai Sarte) -- its not
even polite to imagine the carnage.

Thoughts come because of your past mundane attachments. And your
reaction to oncoming karma (responses based on learning and education
-- again karma-based).

And why Randomness and Predetermination are the only two choices --
thats trip down blinders-on thinking. There are SO many more

So rock on, if you need to get off on the image --and illusion -- of 
GOD thinking your thoughts (just a bit grandiose and meglomanic are
we?) I thought we left maya back at the last train stop.

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