biosoundbill wrote:
> I fully understand what the word 'Sri' and sometimes 
> 'Shri' means, it's used as a respectful affix to 
> mantras etc.
All I wanted to point out, Bill, is that you have not 
included any actual tantric bija mantras - you've just 
been posting words and phrases found in any Sanskrit 
dictionary. In fact, there are no actual Hindu bija 
mantras, there are only Tantric Buddhist bija mantras. 

All the Buddhist Tantras were composed long before 
Hindu Tantricism was invented. Almost all Hindu bija 
mantras are just phonemes or quasi phonemes overheard 
at Buddhist yoga camp meets. They are gibberish, pure 
and simple. Sounds made up to imitate Buddhist bija 
mantras. To repeat, there is no actual Hindu Tantic 
bija mantras. 

There is only Buddhist Tantricism, that is derived 
from the tradition of the Nath Siddhas, the 84 
Mahasiddhas who invented Indian alchemy. You must 
be going to a real Buddhist teacher who has been 
initiated into the Tantra Yoga tradition - you can
learn nothing about tantra from an Indian pilot in 
downtown Oakland. 

All the Hindu tantric traditions are just so much 
mish-mash, mixed-up, conglomerations of pseudo-tantra
invented in order to confuse the people by making
common household sounds a big secret - mysticism.

Selling water down by the river.  

For example, the mono syllable OM is not even a mantra, 
or at most a mantra by courtesy only. The mono 
syllable OM is not included in the Rig Veda - it 
was probably made up by a fakir who was stoned out on 
cannibis indica. 

If there were any Hindu tantras or bija mantras they 
would have been mentioned by the Adi Shankara, Vallabha,
Ramanuja, or Madhva. The so-called maha-mantra espoused
by Chaitanya is just a collection so many words from
Sanskrit grammar books - nothing esoteric at all.   

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