--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ruthsimplicity" 
> Judy, you made the comment: 
> "The DSM diagnoses, remember, are for the guidance
> of therapists who are working with patients who
> can't cope, based on the characteristics found in
> thousands of past patients who couldn't cope."
> which may be generally true, I don't know, I am not a shrink.

As I recall, this is explained in the intro
sections of DSM. ("Can't cope" is my phrase;
change to "seek treatment" if that seems more
appropriately neutral).

> However, people with certain personality disorders may cope
> just fine,a narcissist or sociopath for example.

Technically, these are only disorders if they're
professionally diagnosed, and typically people
aren't diagnosed unless they seek treatment (or
perhaps commit a crime and are required to submit
to psychiatric examination).

So to some extent it's a matter of semantics, but
I think the caveat bears consideration.

> The working hard of TM TBs on one fruitless activity after
> another is very disturbing to me. I am still processing what
> I think about it and what I think about what y'all think
> about it.

It was to me as well until I had the opportunity
to interact with folks who were in the middle of
it, to see it from the "inside," as it were. Then
it made perfect sense.

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