Stu wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I keep wondering why people here continue to intellectually masturbate
>> over these states of consciousness.  Once you are on your way down the
>> road it doesn't matter.  In my tradition the guru just looks at your
>> face and from the glow he can tell you are getting somewhere.   There
> is
>> really no distinctions in my tradition between cosmic consciousness,
> god
>> consciousness or unity.  We don't waste time on that.  The goal is
>> moksha.  Sometimes the descriptions here would leave people somewhat
> if
>> not totally dysfunctional and that wouldn't be of any practical value.
>> But then blind men describing an elephant.... :-)
> As far as I can figure from this yoga practice its all about growth.  As
> long as there is movement towards greater complexity, greater plurality
> and unification we are on the right track.  Any attempt to break it down
> into steps is subjective.  Sometimes interesting, usually a distraction.
> s.
Exactly.  And there are a lot of distracted people on this group.  :)

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