TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Vaj wrote:
>>> In the tradition I practice in it is considered essential to 
>>> resolve "Correct View" (of the nature of ultimate reality) from 
>>> the very get go. If you are amiss the teacher can and will help 
>>> you 'trim your sails' or refine your tack. This is the great 
>>> pitfall of commercial meditation teachers and their methods.
>> I keep wondering why people here continue to intellectually 
>> masturbate over these states of consciousness.  Once you are on 
>> your way down the road it doesn't matter.  In my tradition the 
>> guru just looks at your face and from the glow he can tell you 
>> are getting somewhere.   There is really no distinctions in my 
>> tradition between cosmic consciousness, god consciousness or unity. 
>> We don't waste time on that.  The goal is moksha.  Sometimes the 
>> descriptions here would leave people somewhat if 
>> not totally dysfunctional and that wouldn't be of any practical 
>> value. But then blind men describing an elephant.... :-)
> You misunderstand our intent, Bhairitu. We sit
> around and intellectually masturbate here on
> FFL because we LIKE masturbation. Plus, we're
> acting out of compassion for the elephant. Hey!,
> elephants are human, too, and like a little bit
> of attention. All these blind guys and gals
> feeling him up gets HIM off, too.  :-)
And you liked your response so well you posted it twice?  :-)

Not to change the subject but why is it you can walk the streets of 
Spain and other places in Europe at night safely?  I have a theory 
(which the neo-libertarians here won't like) but maybe the thugs are too 
busy feeling the elephant though I thought it was about "touching their 

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