--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 1, 2008, at 5:01 PM, sparaig wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander  
> > <mailander111@> wrote:
> > >
> > > a person in unity according to your understanding no
> > > longer experiences life? My understanding is that one
> > > does still experience life, but knowledge is certainly
> > > different in that state. I don't experience the world
> > > as separate from me. Another way of saying the same
> > > thing is that I don't experience "me" as located in
> > > only the body I inhabit in this life.
> > >
> >
> > Mi mi mi mi...
> >
> > Ahem.
> >
> > La la la la.
> >
> > same old song.
> This why it is important--some might say 'vital'--for a student 
> resolve such issues directly with their teacher. Have some 
> as to whether or not you've attained the View of Unity? Ask a 
> teacher. S/he'll tell you, if they're authentic teachers.
> In the tradition I practice in it is considered essential to 
> "Correct View" (of the nature of ultimate reality) from the very 
> go. If you are amiss the teacher can and will help you 'trim your  
> sails' or refine your tack. This is the great pitfall of 
> meditation teachers and their methods.
I agree that a seeker's View (to use your terminology) must be 
correct, though the pitfall of your practice is that you make a 
judgment depending on verification of View through gross material 
means; a teacher here on earth. 

In other words, you overlook the other worlds and teachers, 
unmanifest on the gross plane of existence, available to long term 
practitioners of TM. You then use this absence of teachers on this 
plane to denigrate and condemn the practice of TM, asserting that 
because you have teachers in the flesh, your method is somehow 

I always found my own way with TM, and when the time came I 
developed a strong devotional relationship with Guru Dev, who I 
attuned myself to through total surrender, and used this attunement 
to carefully evaluate my thinking, my actions and my progress. It 
was definitely a two way, very personal relationship with my 
teacher; a very effective practice.

So just because the practice of TM is mass marketed and commercially 
available, the span of awareness that a practitioner becomes 
familiar with makes it possible to have a teacher appear when 

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