--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess if you're going to look at "God" as a "personal" deity then 
> blog makes some sense.  But you're forgetting that MMY and the 
> tradition taught "God" as the impersonal.  

If you accept that "laws of nature" is a secular term
for God, then you must accept that MMY was preaching a 
personal God because the terms "nature support" and
"Maharishi effect" are implying intervention at a 
fundamental level. Consciousness as Unified Field,
the "enlivenment" of which allegedly increases 
positivity in human affairs, is another term for God.
Again, if it was impersonal we wouldn't be able to 
gain favour just from mental contact.

> "Laws of Nature" is still a pretty good secular notion to explain 
> many call "God" especially in abstract terms rather than some being 
> micromanages your life.  If you don't believe in the laws of nature 
> turn on your webcam so we can see you walk through that wall next 
> you.  :)

The laws of nature aren't something we need to *believe*
in. I can't walk through walls because of the repelling
action of the nuclear forces that hold electrons away 
from the nucleus of atoms. Secular or not, I doubt there
is anything we can do to change that. And unless any genuine
sidhas can step forward.....

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