Angela Mailander wrote:
> So, we both read Sartre as teens, but I liked Camus
> better.  I started reading these dudes when I was
> fourteen and attending a boarding school right outside
> of Paris, France.  Where were you?
Living in a small dusty town in Washington state.  I also read Camus.  
He was a better, more entertaining writer.  Using Sarte as the example 
since he was at the center of the existentialist movement at the time 
probably communicates the idea better.

As for the Satan thing it is what I use for the "Krischuns" (that's how 
they pronounce it).  Certainly one can permutate over the theme but I 
was just keeping things simple as need be for those folks.  It is a hoot 
to see how they react to the concept. 

Let's not forget the image of the Satan with a pitchfork or trident 
which makes me think they were using that as a way to keep people away 
from the "competition" who were traveling through the region as 
"traders" and had a deity who sported a trident.  :)

As an aside last night I finished watching the 3 hour old 1980 era 
version of "Brave New World" with Keir Dullea and Bud Cort.  I always 
thought that Huxley was decrying the over technified state depicted in 
the novel and certainly lampooned in the BBC version.  Some of the 
conspiracy people seem to think he was advocating it.

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