---You still haven't provided any evidence (aside from your usual 
appeal to dead Authorities) that Self-Realization eliminates 
suffering DURING one's physical lifetime.

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> > I take issue with the Neo-Advaitin claim that 
> > suffering is eliminated.  
> >
> Well, I wasn't referring to 'Neo-Awaitin' claims
> - whatever they may be. But it's a fact that all
> but one system of Indian philosophy agrees with
> the Sankhya notion that life is essentially marked
> by suffering, with the exception of Mimamsa. 
> This notion is based on the doctrine espoused by 
> the historical Buddha, Shakya the Muni, and outlined
> in the 'Twelvefold Chain of Causation' and in the
> 'Four Noble Truths'.
> It's a fact that Patanjali begins the Yoga Sutras 
> by declaring that life is essentially suffering 
> caused by ignorance. But, the practice of any
> of the limbs of yoga does not bring the liberation.
> > The main problem with Neo-Advaitinism is that 
> > is allows for no gradations or progressions 
> > of evolution.  It seems: one has just to 
> > "get it"; and with an AHA!; all sufferings 
> > vanish. Remarkable! 
> >
> It's very remarkable, because apparently all we
> have to do is *realize* the truth of the non-dual.
> It's not a deep philosophical doctrine, in fact,
> it's dirt simple: 
> 'There are not two; there is only One'.
> Only a sophist, a deluded, deep thinker would even 
> entertain the idea of a complicated metaphysics 
> that proposed a multitude of realities. 
> Only a rascally group of city-slicker priests would 
> dream up a fanciful cosmos filled with various 
> spirits, jinns, and demons all hanging from a 
> Jambudvipa tree, all trying to confuse the poor 
> people and get in their pant pockets.
> It is an 'AHA' moment, as you say; it is a 
> *realization* that there is only One Self, not a
> multitude of individual soul-monads, re-incarnating
> in various forms including humans, and sometimes, 
> dwarfs.

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