Vaj wrote:
> It never ceases to amaze me how much 
> dis- and mis-information you can  
> squeeze into just one email.

Centering - An excerpt from the Shiva Sutra, 
translated by Swami by Lakshmanjoo:

7. Devi, imagine the Sanskrit letters in 
these honey-filled foci of awareness, first 
as letters, then more subtly as sounds,
then as most subtle feeling. Then, leaving 
them aside, be free.

14. Bathe in the center of sound, as in the 
continuous sound of a waterfall. Or, by 
putting fingers in ears, hear the sound
of sounds.

19. Intone a sound audibly, then less and 
less audible as feeling deepens into this 
silent harmony.


'Zen Flesh Zen Bones'
A Collection of Zen and pre-zen writings 
including 'Centering' by Laksmanjoo
by Paul Reps and Nyogen Senzaki 
Doubleday Anchor, 1961 

> > The main tantric yoga practice in Kashmir 
> > Shaivism is a meditation that is transcendental,
> > utilizing a series of bija mantras.
> >

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