--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But my point with empathy is what Curtis said so eloquently in 
> other posts: MMY's purported desire to rid the world of suffering 
> says nothing about his empathy.  You know empathy by how someone 
> treats individuals.  Whether they feel another's suffering.  

And whether they go out of their way to actively
*create* suffering in others. To wit, the claim
recently by one poster that she's "highly empathetic,"
balanced against her often-stated desire to make 
other posters feel bad. She literally *revels* in
the supposed pain and anguish she "causes" her debate 
opponents to feel. If she were really empathetic, 
wouldn't making them feel bad make *her* feel bad 
as well?

> Curtis's direct experience is consistent with what others have said 
> about MMY. It is hard to think MMY as anything but narcissistic.

And as someone who promoted narcissism in his 
followers more often than he promoted enlight-
enment. Who consistently *gets the credit* for
all of the "global good news" reported? The
all-important butt-bouncers whose awesome woo-
woo rays have created the "good news," that's who.

I think that Fairfield Life provides an amazingly
effective "bullshit meter" that is useful when
trying to figure out which of the myths that
surround enlightenment and purported higher 
states of consciousness are useful or beneficial
and which are bullshit, with no or little value.

I mean, when you have someone who claims to be
enlightened indulging in gay slurs against some-
one whose only sin (well, not *only* sin :-))
was to ask him to explain how he knows how 
heaven is decorated, either enlightenment is
not all it's been cracked up to be, or it's
time to call bullshit. When you have someone
who claims to be "highly empathetic" insinuating
that someone who challenges her holy word is on
drugs, that may also be an indicator that there
is a bovine turd floating in her empathetic

One of my teachers once said (and should have
listened to his own advice IMO): "Listen to what
people say, but watch what they DO."

Anyone can claim anything they want about their
supposed state of consciousness, or their supposed
level of empathy. But watch what they DO. That's
where the bullshit meter is useful.

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