Forget about WTF.  This is more like WWF. -with the tag team of Judy and
the Raunch.  or maybe it's more like the WB (network)  with the Pinky
and the Brain (cartoon).  Of course who would be Pinky and who would be
the Brain.  As I recall the lyrics to the cartoon were:

"Pinky and the Brain

Pinky and the Brain

One thinks he's a genius, and the other ones insane"


--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues"
> curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Looks like I managed to kick Curtis in the balls
> > > (metaphorically, of course) hard enough that all
> > > he can do is sputter.
> >
> > Your violent metaphor is offensive. For a man it is the
> > equivalent to having something inserted into your body
> > and damaging an internal organ. Funny?
> >
> > The fact that you don't understand the hypocrisy of using such
> > language after taking everyone here to task for the same thing
> > makes me sputter.
> <belly laugh>
> Curtis, why do you think I said that?
> You *freak out* when someone uses violent language
> about you, but you deny that it should give any
> offense when it's used about women--and without
> even a parenthetical that it's just a metaphor.
> Who's the hypocrite, again?
> I really didn't think you'd fall into the trap, but
> I figured, what the hell, it's worth a try. Glad
> I chanced it.
> You might want to have the tendency to resort to violent
> > fantasies instead of dealing with the points I made, checked.
> You didn't *make* any points in this post, Curtis.
> That's why I said you were reduced to sputtering.

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