--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2009, at 6:00 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:
> > No point in us arguing this.  We disagree as to their conclusions.
> > Apparently you can't believe that they have the background to conclude
> > that the studies they excluded from their report were either not
> > sufficiently rigorous or did not report anything of significant  
> > interest.
> >
> > It is, however, the TM researcher's job to specifically show what the
> > theoretical framework is for their work.
> Interesting because one of the researchers is probably the most  
> qualified man in the world to comment on EEG, having been the section  
> editor of the state of the art work on Human electroencephalography,  
> esp. electroencephalography and meditation. Davidson's also the man  
> who's systematically mapped the correlates of alpha.
> These guys ain't no slouchers. ;-)
> But I agree, it's probably not worth discussing without someone  
> willing to be honest and objective. Fundamentalists aren't likely to  
> change their beliefs, but they will do whatever they can to obfuscate  
> and misdirect, a form of dishonesty common in fundamentalists of many  
> sorts.
Yes, there is no way to even talk about it.  Instead, vague
accusations of not having the proper theoretical framework are made. 
I hope some other posters here read the article as it is worth

For the record, Vaj and I are not always in agreement. Vaj is a mystic
and I am not.  

Oh well, this all makes me tired.  The more I read actual TM studies
the more put off I am.  Here, we just talk about people who talk about
the studies.  Rarely do we actually talk about a particular study,
which is the only thing of relevance. When I first was on this board I
had not looked at TM research for years and years and was a bit
interested to see how things had developed. I am starting to lose

I am also frustrated that so many journals publish crap.   Not just TM
crap, but crap in general.  The signal to noise ratio is way off. Part
of the problem is NCCAM.  It needs to be tossed in the garbage. 
Instead of spending time here I should be working to abolish NCCAM.  

Which will be on my list of things to participate in over the next few


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