Barry defends himself from the charge of
"up-is-downism" by engaging in--wait for

Like I just said, the gift that keeps on

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Since Judy has hit the ground running in 
> "Gotta demonize anyone who thinks of me
> differently than I want to be thought of"
> mode, I might as well pay "homage" to one
> of her classic ploys by providing a "trans-
> lation" of the rant below:
> TRANSLATION: They're laughing at me. Can't
> have that. Must do something. I know...ignore 
> my own posting history...ignore the fact that
> I *admitted* that I still have bouts of anger
> that I cannot control a year after the thing
> I'm angry about...above all ignore the satire
> that has people laughing at me...and think of 
> a new name to call the people laughing at me 
> or box to consign them to so that hopefully 
> more people won't join them in laughing at 
> me. Yeah...that's the ticket. I win.  :-)

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