On Sep 1, 2009, at 10:35 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

On Sep 1, 2009, at 9:54 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

All in all, never having been attracted to
Twitter in the least, whenever I hear the
term I think of Doonesbury's Roland Hedley,
Jr., the war correspondent who has nothing to
say but tweets compulsively anyway. "Eating
a felafel in Baghad...thought you'd want to
know."  :-)

Sounds about right.  You're so limited in terms
of the amount of characters you can post in any
one tweet that stuff like that is about all it's
good for.

Yup. And isn't if fascinating that the person
who likes to pose as the person who knows
everything about everything doesn't know that
Twitter messages are limited to 140 characters?  :-)

Yep.  I'm sure there's a certain art to writing like that,
which I obviously don't have.  But most of what I see
has been either websites
(and I wonder how many actually look at them), homilies
to, I guess, make your day a little brighter, or basically
trivial stuff like in the cartoon.  I don't see hardly anything
interesting and no connecting at all.  Does the internet
really need one more way to make noise?


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