--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:
> Yep.  I'm sure there's a certain art to writing like that,
> which I obviously don't have.  But most of what I see
> has been either websites
> (and I wonder how many actually look at them), homilies
> to, I guess, make your day a little brighter, or basically
> trivial stuff like in the cartoon.  I don't see hardly anything
> interesting and no connecting at all.  Does the internet
> really need one more way to make noise?

In the hands of a good writer, or someone who 
actually has something to say, Twitter would
be very interesting. Oscar Wilde would have
been the GOD of Twitter. 

Interestingly, in a way I've consigned a few
people here to "Twitter Hell" already. I never
read *anything* they write other than the first
sentence or so that appears in Message View.
And that's more than enough to remind me why
they're in the Instant Next Key category. 

What's fascinating is to see -- even from the
Message View "tweets" -- how freaked out some 
of them have gotten about having been dumped.
"Hell hath no fury like a blowhard ignored." :-)

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