> The key word here is therapy...
All meditation is 'therapy' - yoga (meditation) is 
the original 'self-help' program. 

Some informants here are fond of making simple 
things, complicated, and even some topics, seem 
like 'secret' teachings, techniques only they 
know anything about. Go figure.

Simply put, the spiritual path is the freeing of 
the individual from suffering. 

The question is, is man bound or free? If he is 
free, there is no need for a therapy. If, bound, 
by what means can he free himself? 

Yoga (meditation mind fullness) is that technique!

> is not meditation nor is the purpose of 
> the two practices similar.
Meditation simply means 'to think something over'. 

In that sense, 'mindfullness' and 'meditation' 
are the same thing. Meditation is based on 
thinking and there is hardly a person on the 
planet that doesn't think. Mindfullness is simply 
thinking about things in a particular way.

Everyone is 'meditating' and almost everyone is
practicing 'mindfullness' to a certain extent' - 
we all pause at least once or twice a day to 
take stock of our own mental contents. 

And, everyone is transcending all the time, 
even without a technique or a therapy!

The historical Buddha practiced and taught
meditation minfullness. Shakya the Muni was the 
first historical yogin in India. Apparently the 
Shakya got enlightened when he learned to relax 
and sit down to meditate.

"Once when his father was performing a ritual 
plowing ceremony, the boy, effortlessly and 
without any training, became absorbed in a deep 
meditative state, which would later be called 
the First Meditation (dhyana)..."

Work cited:

'The life of Buddha'
By Edward J. Thomas
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969

Definition of meditation:


1. the act of meditating.
2. continued or extended thought; reflection; 
3. transcendental meditation.
4. devout religious contemplation or spiritual 


1175–1225; < L medita-tio-n- (s. of medita-tio-) 
a thinking over 


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