--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > > > 35. Indians.
> > > 
> > > 36. Vedic Gods
> > 
> >   37. Masala Doritos
>     38. People who don't get their "buttons pushed",
>     although Barry insists that they do

      39. People who push Barry's buttons by making fun
      of him for fantasizing that he's pushed their buttons

> Actually, I don't have feelings for Doritos one way or
> another, having given them up years ago. But I am amused
> at how easy it is to push people's buttons, even *after*
> telling them that's what I'm trying to do.

This immediately after Barry went ballistic because he
mistakenly thought P Duff's comments about the puja 
were aimed at him, when they were obviously in response
to Tom Pall. 

And here he feels the need to defend himself from the
despicable charge that he has vehement feelings about

> What's most fascinating is to watch the three "enlightened"
> guys continue to obsess on me, post after post after post. 

Barry REALLY doesn't like being made fun of post after post
after post (by one, not three, of the enlightened guys and
a couple other people).

> Aren't they supposed to be all "line on water" or something? 
> And aren't they supposed to have developed enough "creative 
> intelligence" to have figured out that the whole *point* of 
> my "A Tale Of Four 'Enlightened' People" post was TO push 
> their buttons and get them to obsess?

As I said yesterday:

"We all know that the only reason Barry is so fascinated
by this series is that it gives him the opportunity to
put down the people he doesn't like on FFL, especially
those who have dared to talk about what they consider
their enlightenment."

Good of you to admit it, Barry.

 That and get to Judy 
> to post out early, of course, calling the same descriptions
> of their behavior that they agreed with lies.

Actually they *didn't* agree with Barry's descriptions of
their behavior, any more than his posts about the series
"generated a veritable firestorm of overreaction and 
hysteria" as he claimed. Now he's furious because not only
was he not able to create the "firestorm" he'd hoped for,
he's ended up as the butt of a bunch of jokes.

> Like shooting fish in a barrel. :-)

Here, let me fix that for you:

Like aiming for the fish and shooting yourself in the
foot instead. ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

And *now* I've posted out, having pushed a few more of
Barry's buttons. See you all tomorrow.

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