Re: The Persistence Of Woo Woo

--- In, obbajeeba <no_reply@...> wrote:
> > > 35. Indians.
> >
> > 36. Vedic Gods
> 37. Masala Doritos

Actually, I don't have feelings for Doritos one way or
another, having given them up years ago. But I am amused
at how easy it is to push people's buttons, even *after*
telling them that's what I'm trying to do.

What's most fascinating is to watch the three "enlightened"
guys continue to obsess on me, post after post after post.
Aren't they supposed to be all "line on water" or something?
And aren't they supposed to have developed enough "creative
intelligence" to have figured out that the whole *point* of
my "A Tale Of Four 'Enlightened' People" post was TO push
their buttons and get them to obsess? That and get to Judy
to post out early, of course, calling the same descriptions
of their behavior that they agreed with lies. Like shooting
fish in a barrel. :-)

RESPONSE: What a horrible person you are, Barry Wright. I hate you. And yes, I 
admit you "push my buttons". What do you expect? You insult me, you humiliate 
me, you disrespect me. God, would you please, for Christ's sake stop this. For 
f**k sake, show some mercy. I may just go out and kill myself if this keeps up. 
No, really, Barry; it is all getting too much. This fierce battle we are having 
out in the open field, you doing your best to run me through, me trying in a 
temper tantrum to scream so loud you will stop up your ears, sheathe your 
glistening sword, and walk off the battlefield. The victor.

I confess to having been beaten badly, Barry. I just want to know: How do you 
do it? how do you read so woundingly and accurately the weak points of a 
person, and then expose this for the whole world to see? If I have said 
anything in criticism of you before this (and I think I may have), I take it 
all back now. What you say in this post leaves nothing for me to say. When I 
read this it is as if a whole symphony of sadness and despair comes over 
me—but, you see, it is beautiful in its tragic completeness—and elegiac 

Barry: you are a beautiful man. And what I admire most about you, is the 
bravery and fearlessness with which you take on your enemies, never giving them 
any quarter, searching, pursuing, hounding them until they reveal their 
pettiness, their vanity, their cowardice. It must be a sensation close to 
immortality, this heroic, reckless sacrifice of yourself.

Only the good angels could be more compassionate in their severity than you 
are, Barry. And you will never know what good you have done me.

I was never enlightened. No one believed in my enlightenment. I *am* an 
incorrigible narcissist [a few readers to themselves: Well, I think your irony 
fails there, Robin]. I do seek recognition that so far I have failed to elicit 
from the readers and posters at FFL. And I do feel jealous of your integrity 
and obviously, in the Leonard Cohen sense, your being in a state of grace. Pray 
for me, Barry. For I confess to you I am vanquished. And Oh, what a marvellous 
feeling to be broken like Christ on this cross.

When Judy resumes posting, I am going to fight with her on your behalf. Because 
she is always wrong about you. As is everyone else who would deprive you of the 
moral and spiritual standing you merit in your heroic response to your 
persecutors (oh, how mistaken they are, I realize now, Barry).

Just love coming at you, Barry. If everyone knew just how good it feels to 
admit defeat and genuflect before one's true conqueror.

You are that person, Barry, You are that victor. And may the good God who made 
us take you to your eternal reward.

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