Anyway my 99 cents on this. The only way anyone can approach me, understand me, 
conquer me is through love.  

I know this Ravi.  This is true for all humans, in the end.  This is why I sent 
you that painting - it really is a beautiful piece (IMHO).  I think Bob 
understood what I was saying as he was the only one to respond, except for your 
initial response.  It was not at all about my fixation with the male sex organ 
(and I do not have a fixation btw).  Robin thought someone should meet you 
where you were at...that was my attempt :)

If someone approaches me with an agenda to one up me, with a belief, through 
the intellect I will always be the winner because I myself have no agenda, no 
beliefs so this person who approaches me thus is completely vulnerable to my 
attacks. If I so desire I will use my toxic tongue and caustic sarcasm to 
humiliate them or may be like Barry says rip them a new asshole or I may just 
my playful detached humor to escape or use my unconditional love to spoil them 
with attention, love, humility and kindness. Either way I remain untouched, 
untainted, untarnished by anything outside of me.
Hmmmmm......the "winner" ....huh.  Your statement here is a bit convoluted.  If 
you have no agenda, then why do you have to "win."  You make some assumptions 
here about "the person who approaches you."  Yes...."if you so desire" you can 
use whatever tactics please you....."you remain untouched."  This is your 
reality then? 

> From: Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.r...@gmail.com>
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 8:23 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi 
>" Your's/Barry's willingness to define Ravi and Robin with these kinds of 
>labels on this forum (internet) in such a conclusionary manner is from a 
>common sense perspective, simply unmitigated arrogance out of control - a 
>classic symptom of NPD, in case you are interested. "
>Dear Denise,
>Thank you for your comments above. I have explained these before but let me 
>explain it again since it has been a while and my responses might have been 
>scattered across multiple posts and you probably weren't around here.
>Though initially I was offended at these labels, the very fact that these 
>labels were thrown at me helped me go back to the drawing board. I spent a lot 
>of time on Wiki and other websites in trying to understand these issues. My 
>opinions below.
>Now I'm not surprised that people throw these labels from DSM around and I can 
>clearly see how this is the only way the intellect can wrap around the outer 
>manifestations of the incredible states that I go through.
>Prior to my being enlightened I used to suffer a lot because I was constantly 
>misunderstood by my ex. But then I would ask myself if I truly loved her or 
>the kids, regardless of how unjustified her behavior was. And I came to 
>realization that my love was not selfless and there was an element of 
>recognition I needed from others, i.e.my love was ego bound - this used to 
>really bother me a lot. I had done lot of work during my marriage to be as 
>selfless as possible i.e. give without needing anything in return but the 
>existence apparently was not satisfied and kept hammering through the guise of 
>my ex.
>After my series of awakening experiences, I go into deep intense states of joy 
>and pain. I also realized that there was an impersonal quality to it, as in it 
>didn't feel like I was suffering or enjoying for myself and then slowly 
>realized that most of the times there wasn't even anything outisde that caused 
>Now because I am so absolutely still, the pain and joy really overwhelms me. 
>You wouldn't want to be around me when I go through these states, I will cry 
>very loudly and laugh very loudly. Yet I am a witness to these states, very 
>hard to describe in words. I notice because I don't filter this energy through 
>any belief system such as god, religion, Gurus, socialism, communism, 
>Buddhism, social utopia, UFO's, age of Aquarius, Pisces, age of enlightenment, 
>Mayan calendar and such, I really wallow in pain, get really high on bliss.
>In fact over the period of last 2 years my body is getting more stronger, more 
>sensitive - earlier I would get very dizzy, disoriented after these intense 
>states but now it's no more a problem. I haven't been as healthy as now.
>And I'm totally introverted when I'm by myself, yet the minute there's another 
>person I become the opposite totally extroverted, as in the center shifts from 
>myself to other. And I notice since I don't have any agenda, I don't have any 
>belief and I'm completely focused on the other it, I feel one with the other 
>and this also gives me lot of insights into the other merely by my being 
>absolutely quiet.
>The love I feel is also totally impersonal. As in I don't feel more love to my 
>children than say Bob, Robin or you. The only person I can shower more love 
>than others would have to be to my partner, my wife, my beloved merely because 
>of the sex, intimacy and the amount of time in close proximity this person 
>would spend with me. 
>Anyway my 99 cents on this. The only way anyone can approach me, understand 
>me, conquer me is through love. If someone approaches me with an agenda to one 
>up me, with a belief, through the intellect I will always be the winner 
>because I myself have no agenda, no beliefs so this person who approaches me 
>thus is completely vulnerable to my attacks. If I so desire I will use my 
>toxic tongue and caustic sarcasm to humiliate them or may be like Barry says 
>rip them a new asshole or I may just my playful detached humor to escape or 
>use my unconditional love to spoil them with attention, love, humility and 
>kindness. Either way I remain untouched, untainted, untarnished by anything 
>outside of me.
>On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 12:12 AM, Emily Reyn <emilymae.r...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>><"Or simply common sense.">
>>Zarzari, I wanted to submit this for an Unintended Irony Award, but I see you 
>>already won first prize this year with the "love-bomb" post(s) and also, that 
>>one with pictures really was in top form.   I am curious if you are aware of 
>>why that post fell completely flat...could there have been something you 
>>missed in the larger picture, or maybe in your assumptions/analysis of Ravi 
>>and the conversations he was in, or was it just "simply common sense" on your 
>>part that you were trying to impart to those of us "taken in" by Ravi.    
>>I'm hoping I will be next to receive one of these base internet-style 
>>diagnoses.  Based on what I've posted on this forum, there is a lot to go on 
>>at this point....it might be time to stifle me a bit, slap a label on me, 
>>employ some "tough love", and then project an air of sympathy to the other 
>>forum members for how pathologically disturbed I am.  
>>What I like most about diagnoses are the "labels"...the more the 
>>merrier...for mine, feel free to use as many as it takes to get a 
>>comprehensive diagnosis in place and then, do me a favor, write them in 
>>calligraphy, wrap them in a box (a simple silver Nordtrom-like box will do) 
>>and tie it up with a pretty purple satin ribbon?  I like my labels to be 
>>presented to me in a classy way and always inside a box.
>>Your's/Barry's willingness to define Ravi and Robin with these kinds of 
>>labels on this forum (internet) in such a conclusionary manner is from a 
>>common sense perspective, simply unmitigated arrogance out of control - a 
>>classic symptom of NPD, in case you are interested.
>>Now, like you, I have some real-world experience with NPD's.  In fact, I have 
>>almost 50 years of deeply and intimately knowing and relating to NPDs.  I was 
>>raised by two, took a short break during my 20's, and then powered down for 
>>the next 15 years with some true hard-core NPDs - the kind that fully fit Sam 
>>Vaknin's descriptions and the DSM IV and every other self-help book out 
>>there.  The first has the honor of being my children's father; I rebounded 
>>immediately into another long-term relationship - one wasn't enough for me.  
>>I worked with one towards the end of my career and had so much experience by 
>>that point, that he never did know who it was that took him out (until the 
>>very end).  From my years of experience, I am of the opinion that you/Barry 
>>have made some critical and major errors in judgment and should have preceded 
>>your diagnostic conclusions with a well-researched "fatal flaw analysis," at 
>>the very least.  
>>Putting people in labeled boxes without their consent to serve your interests 
>>is another classic symptom of NPD, btw.  Now, you've exhibited two.  One 
>>more, and maybe I'll slap a label on you. 
>>Probably not though...it strikes me as kind of crazy...
>>> From: zarzari_786 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
>>>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>>>Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 4:26 PM
>>>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi 
>>>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
>>>> This stuff in unbelievable.  Taken in?  The assumptions in these 
>>>> statements demonstrates true psychic ability on this forum...
>>>Or simply common sense.
>>>> > From: authfriend <jstein@...>
>>>> >To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>>>> >Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 3:52 PM
>>>> >Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi 
>>>> >Chivukula
>>>> > 
>>>> >
>>>> >  
>>>> >--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786 <no_reply@> wrote:
> ><snip>
>>>> >> > Of course. He is smart enough, he makes everyone either 
>>>> >> > follower (or admirer) or opponent. (black and white, ask 
>>>> >> > Curtis) In reality he is a poor and old guy, who's 
>>>> >> > illusions were shattered. I don't really find any mystery 
>>>> >> > about him, I rather find the fascination mysterious, he 
>>>> >> > has for some people, intelligent people at that.
>>>> >> 
>>>> >> Exactly.
>>>> >> 
>>>> >> The real issue is not RWC, but those on this forum
>>>> >> who have been taken in by him. That's just scary.
>>>> >
>>>> >Translation: Barry just *hates* it when somebody pushes
>>>> >him out of the spotlight he considers rightfully his.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > 
>>>> >
>>>> >

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