--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> > >
> > > this is the translation, as I remember it. It's not at all 
> > > like anything, I've googled. For whatever reason, this is 
> > > how Maharishi wanted us to understand the translation. IMO 
> > > Maharishi's translation has less to do with the actual 
> > > meaning of the Sanskrit words and more to do with the 
> > > intention he wanted to convey on the feeling level of 
> > > one's experience.
> > > 
> > > Let us be together
> > > Let us eat together
> > > Let us be radiating the light of truth together
> > > Never shall we denounce anyone
> > > Never entertain negativity
> > 
> > Thanks, those last two inserted lines are also the kind of 
> > culture that dictators and autocrats would use to get away 
> > with all kinds of ruthless crime and abuse. Means to ends. 
> > It also explains a lot about the nature of the TM movement 
> > culture in context.
> Doug, I have no idea what you're talking about. The last two 
> lines explains nothing about the nature of TM culture. If 
> you're trying to make a case that "never entertain negativity" 
> is a plot to control TMers so that the TMO can get away with 
> ruthless crime and abuse, you're making a conspiratorial 
> mountain out of a mole hill.

Raunchy, I would suggest that "ruthless crime and abuse"
may be Buck just being hyperbolic again. *On the other 
hand*, you have just told us how you were basically brain-
washed with these phrases, having been told to repeat them 
over and over several times daily, while doing "long program" 
and thus in a somewhat fragile and suggestible mental state. 

And *to this day* you seem to find it nearly impossible
to "entertain negativity" or "denounce anyone" if that
someone is Maharishi or associated with the TMO. While 
Buck's theory may seem far-fetched, if anyone is the proof 
of the theory, t'would seem to be you.

Scientists might suggest that if you spend years repeating 
to yourself over and over and over that it's "bad" to think 
negatively or denounce actual negative people when you 
encounter them, you might just lose the ability to do so. 
You literally brainwash yourself into being *unable* to do 
so. At least if the negative things are associated with the 
org that taught you what to chant. If it's someone *outside* 
that org that you feel negatively about and want to denounce, 
you seem to have no problems doing that. So I think you can
relax in that you were successful only in *partially* 
brainwashing yourself.  :-)

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