--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Nice story. I got to see him in Santa Fe, although 
> > only from the audience in a room of about 100 others.
> > His presence touched all of us. He and only one other
> > person I've met embody for me the concept of compassion.
> > 
> > The other, interestingly enough, was a filmmaker, the
> > director of "Phörpa" ("The Cup"). Khyentse Norbu is a
> > also a Tibetan Buddhist lama and a recognized tulku; he 
> > just prefers making movies to doing the tulku thing. :-)
> > 
> > Anyway, I got to meet him and observe him at a fund-
> > raising showing of "The Cup" in Santa Fe. The room was
> > full of heavy rollers, there to be seen and to slip
> > Norbu a check, and thus receive a little financially-
> > induced darshan. (Hey!...we're talking about Santa Fe.)
> > 
> > It was his *equanimity* that floored me. The co-founder
> > of Microsoft walks up and schmoozes him and puts a 
> > check in the bowl and he treats him...uh, there's no
> > other word for it...perfectly, and then he walks off.
> > And the next person he interacts with is a young Chicano
> > woman who has been hired at minimum wage to serve drinks
> > at this fund-raiser, asking if he would like any more
> > tea. And he treats her...uh, there's no other word for
> > it...perfectly, and then she walks off. 
> > 
> > NOTHING fazed him. NOTHING shook him from his baseline.
> > He treated everyone who he interacted with with perfect
> > equanimity and compassion. 
> > 
> > The dude could have been a superstar if he'd stayed 
> > within the confines of Tibetan Buddhism. But he realized
> > that he liked making movies better. Based on having been
> > able to watch him for a couple of hours, I'd say that
> > he made the correct choice. Dude rocks.
> Cool. This reminiscence drew me to the IMDB to look 
> up Khyentse Norbu again. I really do love his films,
> and he hasn't released one since "Travelers and 
> Magicians." 
> Happy happy joy joy. Two of his films may be coming
> out soon. The first is listed as completed, and is
> called "Finding Manjushri" 

I found a website for this film. Your mileage may
vary, but I found it not only well done, but rather
uplifting. If you like the home page, click on the
other tabs at the top...


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