--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Well you know what Buck, you may be right, I never considered that the
regular practice of the TM and TM Siddhi Programme increased and
improved my creative intelligence to the point I was able to see the
whole TMO and Marshy himself were full of it. All praise to the Unified
Field! TMSP enabled me to see its a crock!

Oddly, Michael, I kinda, sorta agree with what you said, even though I
know you were being ironic, and funny.

It made me think back to my time with the odd Rama dude. He taught me
many things, some of which I'm still grateful to him for. But in the
end, it was his own teachings that caused me to bail on his trip, and
beat feet.

At some point in the latter days I spent around him, during periods when
(as far as I have been able to discern, given all available facts) he
was heavily drug-impaired and thus Losing It Heavily, I found myself
*measuring him by his own teachings*.

He'd given many, many talks about how an enlightened -- or even nice --
being should act, and should interact with the world. I started
measuring him at this point in his life against his *own* teachings
earlier in that life, and to my disappointment he just didn't fuckin'
measure up.

But even for this I think I owe him a bit of gratitude. If he hadn't
taught me those measures back in the early days, when he was still
fairly happening and not so burdened by NPD, I wouldn't have had them in
my arsenal of spiritual tools and been able to use them to evaluate him.
Go figure.

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