Thanks Barry - I am gonna read what you have written and if I have any 
questions after that, I'll send 'em. 

Got a busy day today, but I intend to start reading it later tonight.
On Thu, 1/16/14, TurquoiseB <> wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.
 Date: Thursday, January 16, 2014, 8:21 AM
 --- In, Michael Jackson 
 > I would like to have a conversation with you about your
 time with Rama if you are willing. I am more than happy to
 do it privately if you like cause I know some on here are
 going to revile you no matter what you say. So can we talk?
 I don't mind, as long as you
 understand a few things at the outset. First, I rarely even
 think about the dude any more, except when something
 triggers a memory, as something you said in one of your
 posts did yesterday. Second, I don't waste my time
 either condemning or defending him -- he was what he was,
 and I don't much care what anyone thinks about him. 
 Third, however, and as you say, if we do it here you can
 expect a lot of "piling on" from stalkers here.
 They'll do it for various reasons. Some will start
 piling on when they hear tales of thousands of his students
 witnessing siddhis they've *still* only read about,
 after 30 years of pursuing them and after paying thousands
 of dollars to supposedly learn them. Some will pile on
 because they don't like me, and they mistakenly believe
 that if they diss a former teacher I still have some
 positive feelings about, it'll push my hot buttons the
 same way me saying things about MMY pushes theirs, and thus
 I'll react and get into one of the Robin-like
 "confrontations" with them they so hope for. 
 That's not gonna happen, so we might as well do it here.
 :-) But I'll warn you ahead of time that my attention
 span for "things Rama-related" is pretty damned
 short these days, so if you have questions, make the first
 few "count," because at some point I'll get
 tired of the whole thing and bail. :-)
 That said, ask anything you want, and I'll do my best to
 answer your questions as honestly as I wrote "Road Trip
 Mind." That would be a good place to start if you are
 actually curious about the dude. I wrote it to get the
 Rama-monkey off my back, and it worked. I don't actually
 have a great deal more to say about the guy than I said in
 that book.

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