Willy sez:

 "The "separative divide" between Eastern and Western orthodox religions is 
that the Western orthodox religion teaches that a man became God in the person 
of Jesus Christ. Eastern orthodox religions do not teach this and even denies 

 This is clearly a misinformed statement. You should have consulted the 
Orthodox Wiki  http://orthodoxwiki.org/Incarnation: 

 Incarnation is the act of clothing with flesh, or the state of being so 
clothed; the act of taking, or being manifested in, a human body and nature. 
Used by itself, the word refers to the fact that in Jesus 
http://orthodoxwiki.org/Jesus, God took on flesh and became man. God 
http://orthodoxwiki.org/God, the Son, has truly lived and died and risen from 
the dead in the flesh, as a true human being. 

 The Orthodox doctrine of Christ incarnate is: 
 True God and true man, one person in two natures, without separation and 
without confusion: a single person, but endowed with two wills and two 
energies. From the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed: "... and He was incarnate 
of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man." 

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