Duveyoung wrote:
> The thing that bothers me a lot is that despite the thousands upon
> thousands of practitioners over thousands of years who garnered Vedic
> Jyotishi Expertise, despite all the spiritual practice that they
> supposedly must have done to become seers of God-like refinement,
> despite the claims of astounding abilities to cognize the entirety of
> the universe -- to visit other lokas, listen and see events in the
> past, the distant now, and the yet unmanifest future, despite all
> this, not a single scripture on earth talks about Uranus or Neptune. 
> These planets could not be seen without a telescope, so they weren't
> part of the "mix."
> I mean, come on you scammers, 5,000 years of naval gazing and star
> gazing, all that, and yet no one ever had God whisper in even ONE
> seer's (um hearer's?) ear about two giant planets that could eat the
> earth for lunch -- giant planets that surely would have been
> incorporated into the Hindu works on Jyotish.  What????  Here's one
> guy's way of rationalizing this very big issue: 
> http://tinyurl.com/36rw4m  I don't buy his conclusion at all, but
> click on the link for its entertainment value.
It is probably more likely that Jyotishis only used the planets that 
could be seen with the eyes because they were ONLY used as markers for 
cycles in nature and not because they exerted any influence.  The only 
two bodies that really exert any significant influence on our 
environment are the Sun and the Moon.  Many Indians only pay attention 
to the Panchang which is lunar based.  All the other planets are way too 
far away to even a gravitational influence.  That's also why horoscope 
readings aren't very precise, because the planets are only loosely 
useful for tracking nature's cycles.  If you look at a horoscope more 
abstractly then insights can be had but still close enough that you 
can't read a chart with a different ascendant and have it apply.   I 
think there is a lot we don't understand about being born at different 
times of the day and entering into life that way as well as the season 
we are born into.  Probably in the next few decades scientists will 
stumble across this information.

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