My neighborhood is not nearly so friendly to animals as Jack's seems to be. They're not exactly abusive, but very, very neglectful. Lot's of "Oh we love our dog", while they keep her chained up ignored in the front yard. It's the main reason our house is overflowing with fourleggers. When an animal goes missing, most of the folks around here don't even look for them, (or answer found ads in the paper), they just go get another one and their old "pets" end up at my house :( . They don't for a minute understand my dedication, but they usually treat me with indulgence. They think the way I perceive animal rights is crazy, but they seem to smile on my efforts anyway. It's very frustrating, but I keep trying to educate.

Susan Loesch wrote:
Wow, that is encouraging. Know what you mean about people thinking you are nuts! We don't venture far into some parts of the neighborhood with out a second or third person along -- but I think we've felt pretty safe because people kind of treat us like we are nuts -- and harmless!!

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